Lisa Buck, Author at - Page 9 of 24


One of the key areas for apprentices to focus on outside of the job, are soft skills. Soft skills are essential to improving your ability to work with others, problem solve and communicate well – an important element of working in high hazard industries. These acquired behaviours are also a requirement of the apprenticeship standard.

CATCH Apprenticeships recognise how important it is to offer contextualised training, not only on plant, but also continuing this ethos within our added value courses.

Last week, our apprentices visited Think Forensic, a local highly regarded training organisation that delivers crime scene investigation experiences and bespoke courses. Our students were engaged from the start, as they learned about road safety, knife crime and the impact drugs and alcohol can have. The course finished with the students putting into practice what they had learned, with investigating a simulated road traffic collision, incorporating real life actors!

Debbie Lumb, Lead Process Trainer at CATCH Apprenticeships said “The students will remember this course for the rest of their lives.  Led by CEO Sue Procter, an ex- police officer and supported by Steve Stott, an ex traffic cop –  the course was a rollercoaster of emotions.  We heard from Chris who suffered severe, life changing injuries at the hands of his friends in a terrible car accident, to wearing “beer googles” to understand how alcohol effects the vision. Not only does this course teach specifics about personal safety, but also works on developing the softer skills required to further their careers in industry”

Cameron Sheridan – CATCH Apprentices added, “

I was lucky enough to attend the think forensic session where we learnt a lot about drivers safety and also about how police deal with crashes, drink drivers and personal safety. It was a really good day and I learnt a lot about so much, which will help me in the future when I am driving to make sure I keep myself safe and other drivers safe”.

To find out more about CATCH apprenticeships visit –



We caught up with CATCH Director Scott Drinkell – for a quickfire round of questions!

Please tell us a little about yourself

I have been in the industry since starting an apprenticeship in 1996 at Unilever. Today I am the Greenergy Group Technical Manager for Greenergy International leading a multi-disciplined team ensuring engineering and operational compliance across the group.

Please tell us why you think CATCH is unique and why you choose to become a CATCH Director?

I have a passion to inspire the next generation into the industry and fully believe that CATCH has a unique position to do this.

What do you think will be the biggest industry challenges over the next few years and how is CATCH helping to address these challenges?

The end of the fossil fuel era coupled with increasing enviro-social challenges to tackle climate change whilst maintaining the current way of life

What do you think we can achieve together in the next 5-10 years?

Develop a provision to lead the way in training for the changing industry, inspiring and developing the next generation of industry leaders.


Are you Interested in Industrial Decarbonisation in the Humber Region? The Humber Industrial Decarbonisation Map has you covered, with key projects, companies and statistics all combined in one simple online resource.

The Humber region is home to the UK’s largest opportunity for Industrial Decarbonisation, thus is a major influencer when it comes to meeting the UK’s overall NetZero targets. This map aims to give viewers an overarching vision of companies and projects that are making a difference across our region and beyond.   The map brings together for the first time, the breath of infrastructure, carbon sequestration capacity, hydrogen storage and production plus highlights the vast potential for skills, job creation and huge investment bolstering the local and UK economy.  This is the first iteration of the 2030 vision, which was created through a collaboration, between the Humber Industrial Cluster plan, its partners and Marketing Humber.

Katie Hedges, Director of Low Carbon Strategy and Membership at CATCH, explains “Our region is pioneering – we have outstanding local industry already working towards building a NetZero future. The Humber region is multi-dimensional and with this map, we aim to reveal the transformational projects and operations on one collaborative 2030 visual to promote our region on a national level.”

Diana Taylor, Managing Director of Marketing Humber said, “The Humber Industrial Decarbonisation Map is an exciting addition to the Marketing Humber sectoral maps, which are free for Bondholder member companies to use. Existing maps include UK’s Energy Estuary, UK’s Trading Gateway and Britain’s Kitchen, which have all been used to promote the region at major conferences and by many Bondholders to influence customers, shareholders and investors.

“We are committed to raising the profile of the Humber as it leads the UK’s green industrial revolution and creates hundreds of thousands of jobs, and our support for the Humber Industrial Cluster plan and its partners is a great way to do that.”

The Map will evolve as the Humber Cluster Plan completes it’s roadmap to NetZero and will form part of the HICP legacy early 2023. Ideas can be sent to

You can download a copy of the Map here – Download map


Phillips 66 has been named Top UK Employer 2022, one of only 83 businesses to be given the prestigious status.

The company, which employs more than 700 staff at the Humber Refinery in South Killingholme, becomes one of only 1,857 globally to hold the certification from the Top Employers’ Institute.

Detailed assessment of its people practices was undertaken across a range of areas including ethics and integrity, inclusion and diversity, values, business strategy, engagement and reward and recognition.

Mark Wade, HR Manager for the Humber Refinery, said: “We are proud to be recognised as a Top Employer 2022. Our workforce is the key to our success and growth. Our goal is to continually provide them with the environment and tools they need to be successful.

“This accreditation will in our goal to attract and retain top talent, locally and nationally.”

The list of Top UK Employers was announced on 20 January 2022. Top Employer accreditation is awarded to businesses that have taken steps to promote a positive working environment and to support employee health and wellbeing.

Businesses applying for the Top Employer certification must complete an extensive evaluation process and undergo an independent audit, to ensure they meet the standards set by the Top Employers’ Institute.

Ashin Leon, a member of the Control Systems Team at the Humber Refinery, says the company deserves the accreditation.

“I first joined for work experience in 2016,” he said. “What impressed me was not just the people and the time they took to share their knowledge with me, but the sheer amount of outreach work and care for the communities surrounding the refinery.

“I made a decision there and then that this was where I wanted to work. Two industrial placements later I am here loving my role in the Control Systems Team.”

For more details about the award, go to More information about working for Phillips 66 can be found at @Phillips66UK


CATCH are proud to sponsor and support the following event:

Location: The National Golf Centre, The Broadway, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6PU
Date: Wednesday 16 March 2022
Time: 9:30am – 4:00pm

Explore issues, barriers and solutions to setting up a locally fair, transparent market to trade in credits for biodiversity, carbon and water within Greater Lincolnshire.

Do you want to buy in biodiversity, carbon or water credits? Do you have land where you can deliver new projects for trading these credits? Can you act as a facilitator in the process? Then this conference is for you.

Green Investment in Greater Lincolnshire (GIGL) is a project under the Government’s Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund (NEIRF) managed by the Environment Agency. Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, on behalf a wider partnership of organisations and interests across Greater Lincolnshire, applied for the fund. This conference is the start of the process to establish a consistent, fair, equitable and transparent market within Greater Lincolnshire that benefits people and wildlife.

We will establish with our Catchment Partnerships and others, a pipeline of projects held on registries of suppliers of biodiversity, carbon and water credits. We will develop the Special Purpose Vehicle with guidance and tools to support our local planning authorities and developers to ensure the process is simple and effective while making space for nature across our fabulous county.

Further details –


As part of our continuing commitment to reducing our Carbon emissions here at CATCH, ScenePro Carbon recently installed their instrumentation on-site. After a month we will be provided with a report that summarises the air quality on-site and identifies any trends – providing us with a valuable baseline and enabling us to monitor our progress along our decarbonisation journey.

Further information about ScenePro can be found below –

We at ScenePro Carbon Analytics believe if companies are going on a decarbonisation journey they need to be able to know where they are starting from and be able to have baseline information on their emissions so that they can monitor actual improvements as they invest in decarbonising measures.

ScenePro Carbon Analytics is a data-driven solution to empower clients with robust analytical data. Reports are sent to our clients quarterly, breaking down and forensically analysing the air quality around their site. The air quality around the client site is measured every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by a fully accredited system.

We can monitor the below elements –

  • Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
  • Nitrogen Monoxide (NO)
  • Particulate matter (PM) 10, 2.5, 1
  • Ozone (O3)
  • Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
  • Carbon monoxide (CO)
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)
  • Total volatile organic compounds(TVOC)

To find out how ScenePro Carbon Analytics can help protect your people, your business and your environment, please get in touch –




We are starting to recruit our second cohort of apprentices, ready to commence their careers September 2022.

We are hosting an Apprenticeship Open Event on Friday 25th February in our delivery center at Kirklees College, Process Manufacturing Centre, Huddersfield, HD1 6AG.

The event will be an opportunity to hear a presentation from Lisa Kennedy, CATCH Apprenticeship Delivery Manager and our Lead process trainer Debbie Lumb, followed by a tour of the PMC with Paul Singh, Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering from The University of Huddersfield.

The event will be advertised to all Yr 11,12 and 13 across Kirklees, Calderdale, Bradford, Leeds, Barnsley and Wakefield through the careers services, as well as social media channels. If you are interested to attend this event as an employer with a careers stand, please contact Debbie – or if you would like to attend as a learner please click here to register your place.




The CATCH award for excellence is a scheme for recognising when one of our employees really goes above and beyond. Yasmin Smith, Trainee Course Coordinator,  was nominated and then subsequently presented with the award this week.

Yasmin was nominated by colleague Jess Bocock and said “Yasmin has consistently taken on new challenges and responsibilities within her role since starting 7-8 months ago. In such a short space of time, she has achieved so much for the business. She has allowed the production levels to increase, staff members to take holidays with ease knowing their roles are covered with accuracy and has never complained about a job she has been asked to do. No challenge is too much for her and considering she didn’t have any administration experience.   She has a very positive impact on the team and always comes to work with a smile on her face!”

On receipt of her award, Yasmin commented, “I was really shocked to receive this; I wasn’t expecting it at all. I haven’t been here long, but I really love my job already and everyone I work with is so supportive. I am very grateful to receive this award and I am pleased people think I’m doing a good job”.

Congratulations Yasmin from all at CATCH!


Strategy demonstrates Midlands ability to deliver, by 2041: • £10bn GVA to the Midlands and UK economy • 29% CO2 reduction against current levels • 167,000 new or safeguarded jobs

The Midlands is the manufacturing heartland of the UK, with unrivalled expertise and capacity to make and apply low carbon hydrogen technologies to deliver net zero. It is hydrogen technologies that have the power to connect hydrogen generators and end users – and it is the Midlands that has the power to make those technologies, for use in areas as diverse as transport, domestic heating and off grid power supplies.

Driven by industry and in partnership with the public sector and academia, the rapidly growing Hydrogen Technologies Valley in the Midlands continues to go from strength to strength: an ecosystem of innovation and infrastructure that enables hydrogen technologies to be developed, commercialised and industrialised, at scale. Launching today [14 Dec 2021], the pioneering Midlands Engine Hydrogen Technologies Strategy has been co-created by partners from right across the region to crystallise and champion the pivotal role the Midlands can play in low carbon hydrogen, to achieve government ambitions to expand the UK hydrogen economy and drive sustainable growth.

The Midlands Engine Hydrogen Technologies Strategy is part of the pan-regional partnership’s wider Ten Point Plan for Green Growth which is galvanising action for a cleaner, greener, better Midlands. Its publication represents a significant milestone in the region’s accelerated transition to net zero. Independent analysis demonstrates that mobilising to implement the ten actions set out in the strategy could deliver 167,000 new or safeguarded jobs, £10bn GVA to the Midlands and UK economy and 29% CO2 reduction against current levels in the next ten years – through these interventions alone.

The strategy also underlines the unparalleled regional unity the Midlands demonstrates around the green growth and the net zero agenda – with active leadership from industry partners including EDF Energy, JCB, Worcester Bosch and Intelligent Energy; input from academic institutions such as the University of Nottingham and Energy Research Accelerator; and clear political support from both government and opposition parties.

Key outcomes from the Hydrogen Technologies Strategy are already being accelerated, including Midlands Engine partners leading the H2GVMids consortium, preparing the ground for a green-hydrogen fuelled 44-tonne truck demonstration programme in the Midlands – a programme the region is perfectly located to lead, right at the heart of UK logistics. And beyond low carbon hydrogen, the Midlands Engine partnership is spearheading pan-regional action with a focus on green buildings, net zero transport, clean and smart energy, and crucial enablers including green innovation, the energy workforce and green finance.

Sir John Peace, Chairman of the Midlands Engine, said: “With bold ambition and real pace, the Midlands Engine partnership is taking the national lead to pioneer, commercialise and deliver the technologies that will unlock low carbon hydrogen opportunities. The Midlands is the UK’s manufacturing heartland and one of the most important national locations for hydrogen innovation and application, with a distinct blend of diverse manufacturing ingenuity and capability, world-leading commercial, industrial and academic innovation, and ideal geographic location.

“By championing the role and work of our partners in developing next-generation hydrogen technologies, the Midlands Engine Hydrogen Technologies Strategy identifies the unique leadership role the Midlands can and will play in delivering government low carbon hydrogen ambitions – for the good of our environment and our economy.”

Rachael Greenwood, Executive Director of the Midlands Engine, said: “Today marks a significant moment for the Midlands as we outline and evidence our region’s unrivalled leadership in the development and deployment of hydrogen technologies across a range of sectors. Co-authored by Midlands Engine partners from across our region, this Hydrogen Technologies Strategy highlights our region’s opportunity to generate over 85,000 jobs through the production, storage and supply of hydrogen, over 60,000 jobs through decarbonising HGVs and refuelling infrastructure, and almost 2,000 jobs when using hydrogen as an alternative aviation fuel – all with the potential to contribute £10bn GVA to the Midlands economy. Once again, our partners have demonstrated their position as experts in the delivery of the government’s ambitious decarbonisation plans, and the vision to level up across the UK through growth in sectors which are key to cutting emissions.”

Darren Jones MP, Chair of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Select Committee, said: “Government should support industry to trial, scale up and demonstrate hydrogen technologies as an alternative to fossil fuels across our industry. The Midlands Engine Hydrogen Technologies Strategy provides a framework for this vision across the Midlands, highlighting regional opportunities for the use of hydrogen technologies and the benefits of so doing to the local economy, employment and skills opportunities, as well as the climate.”

Click here to download the strategy document


The East Coast Cluster has been successful in securing track 1 status in the BEIS cluster sequencing programme along with North West Cluster HyNet, and the Scottish Cluster in reserve. The East Coast Cluster is a collaboration between Zero Carbon Humber, Net Zero Teesside and the Northern Endurance Partnership and aims to create and support an average of 25,000 jobs per year between 2023 and 2050, with approximately 41,000 jobs at the project’s peak in 2026. These skilled jobs in exciting new industries, including industrial carbon capture, low-carbon hydrogen production, negative emissions power, and power with carbon capture, can play an important part of levelling up in the UK.

David Talbot, CEO CATCH said “The Humber region has been at the forefront of the Government’s NetZero ambition, particularly in the last few years. The announcement cements that vision, as leading industrial emitters work together to propel the UK to a low carbon future. For the last 12 months CATCH has been working with the HEY Lep and 8 industry partners to produce a strategic roadmap that will provide confidence to the UK Government, encompassing how industrial emissions will change over time and provide the region’s projects and industry with a well-defined, optimal route to achieving true net-zero in 2040.  In addition to the work CATCH is currently undertaking on the Humber Industrial Cluster Plan, I am also committing CATCH to continue to support all the Humber’s exciting deployment projects, our Members, and local industry by providing a lasting legacy to The Humber Industrial Cluster Plan work through to 2040 and beyond.


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