David Gurney | Business Development Manager
T: 01482 626269
E: dgurney@aalco.co.uk
W: https://www.aalco.co.uk/
James Bridgland | Sales Manager ABB Energy Industries UK
E: james.bridgland@gb.abb.com
W: https://new.abb.com/about/our-businesses/process-automation
Contact; Jakki Lovewell at jakki.lovewell@apprentice-employment.co.uk
w: https://www.apprentice-employment.co.uk/
T: 01469 570300
W: www.axiom-ltd.com
Contact: Peter Hunt
Email: peter.hunt@axiom-ltd.com
Telephone: 01642 732745
W: https://www.futurehumber.com/
Mick Renshaw | Senior Engineering Manager
E: mick.renshaw@cavendishnuclear.com
W: https://www.centrica.com/who-we-are/
Paul Hughes Branch Manager Grimsby Branch
Matt Finn
Tel: 01472 355 978
Web: www.cef.co.uk
W: http://www.evidesindustriewater.co.uk
Colin Robinson
E: c.robinson@evides.nl
T: 07455721799
Simon Smith
E: simon.smith@fnc.co.uk
T: 07836 528369
W: https://hf-expert.co.uk
E: admin@hf-expert.co.uk
T: 01785 761 088
W: www.humberbankinstruments.co.uk
E: helen.brady@humberbankinstruments.co.uk
T: 01472 476033
M: 07496 258416
Anastasija Zakijeva – 01482 251122; anastasija@huxonsrecruitment.com
Azaria Murray – 01482251125; azaria@huxonsrecruitment.com
Website: www.huxonsrecruitment.com
W: https://brabenconsulting.co.uk/
E: lorraine@brabenconsulting.co.uk
+44 (0) 7972 461 484
T: +44(0)1224 725345
W: https://www.pro-reliabilitysolutions.com/
E: Gary Tyne, Director – gtyne@pro-reliabilitysolutions.com
W: https://www.se.com/uk/en/
Jo Burtenshaw
T: +44 7974 179054
E: jo.burtenshaw@se.com
Neil Arliss: QHSE/Operations Co-ordinator
+44 161 872 3547
Tony Brady
Business Development Director
Website: teamlincolnshire.com
Contact: Mr. Tim Roff CEng MICE FIGEM – Head of Technical Consultancy – Energy Transition
Sales Enquiries: bid.team@unitedliving.co.uk
Website for UL group and ULIS: https://unitedliving.co.uk/ and https://unitedliving.co.uk/infrastructure-services/
Social (LinkedIn Page): https://www.linkedin.com/company/united-living-group/
Alan Threlfall: QHSE Manager
+44 1733 385444
Adam Ottley, Partner – Corporate & Commercial
T:01472 253929
E: adam.ottley@wilkinchapman.co.uk
W: https://www.wilkinchapman.co.uk/
David Thornton | Energy Sector Manager
T: +44 7980769646
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