Lisa Buck, Author at - Page 8 of 24


CATCH hosted the Major Hazards Group on Thursday 17 March.  David Hughes chaired the session introducing the delegates in the room and welcoming those joining virtually.  The group meet three times per year and focus on sharing learning and experience in managing safety, in particular process safety, in the COMAH industries in and around the Humber estuary.  It is a CATCH member only network.

David introduced the first speaker, Bill Gibson from Yokogawa who gave a presentation on Yokogawa RAP.  Electronic permit to work systems have become a popular choice for high hazard facilities as they can demonstrate ease of control of work through linking systems electronically.  RAP is a modular software package for control of work, it provides an intuitive digital gateway to a safer working culture.  The system can provide permits in many languages and can be deployed in a cloud environment.  Bill demonstrated the advantages of ePWT versus a paper-based system.  The system can use maps to identify existing exclusion zones and can identify tasks that may conflict with each other to trigger a decision.  Bill took questions and ran through a short demo of the system.

After a short break, David introduced Nick Granger, HFR Solutions, Terry Sellers from HFRS and Barry Pearman currently with P66, who led a presentation on how to improve mutual aid support across the Humber COMAH industries.  Terry gave the background to the project and the challenges around developing mutual aid arrangements across industrial sites.  Barry described the voluntary audit process which is currently being offered at no cost to COMAH industries through HFR Solutions.  The operators were invited to ask questions.  Any upper or lower tier COMAH sites interested in receiving an audit should contact

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 21 July at CATCH.

For more information about CATCH networks please visit


We are delighted that Lincolnshire County Council and The Greater Lincolnshire LEP have joined CATCH Membership – you can find out more, in our interview below:

Please introduce your organisation

Lincolnshire County Council is an ambitious, progressive organisation which stives to provide modern and responsive public services to the residents and businesses of Lincolnshire.  One of Lincolnshire County Council’s key priorities is supporting our county’s economy and creating the best conditions for economic growth.  We’re keen to make sure that we support our local businesses directly such as helping them access the funding, premises, advice and training they need. But we also have a more strategic role – ensuring our infrastructure and connectivity are of the quality needed to encourage more investment, and that the workforce have the skills needed to meet business demands.  Across the board we’re investing in flagship sites in key sectors, including agri-food, advanced engineering & manufacturing, tourism and low carbon, whilst securing high value investment in our county’s roads and broadband.  Sustainability, reducing our impact on the environment and introducing green technology is at the heart of county’s growth plans.

Follow us Twitter: @LincolnshireCC, @TeamLincs LinkedIn: Lincolnshire County Council Team Lincolnshire

The Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is a public-private partnership created to improve the lives and opportunities of communities and businesses in Greater Lincolnshire and Rutland.   The Greater Lincolnshire LEP is committed to supporting the local economy to include all businesses, people, investors and stakeholders, and to bringing job security, stabilising economic impacts, and increasing opportunities.

Follow us @GreaterLincsLEP, @businesslincs and through LinkedIn

Please tell me why you joined catch membership

CATCH is a key partner in the Greater Lincolnshire LEP’s and Lincolnshire County Council’s priority game-changing sectors; Renewables – and plays an important role in skills development and communication of the opportunities.  Working more closely together enables us together to amplify the opportunity and reach more people.


How can CATCH membership support you?

Together we can cross-promote our work, activity and opportunities in this sector and gain a better understanding of what is happening across decarbonisation and the renewables sector.


How can fellow members contact you, and what support can you provide?

CATCH members can contact Lincolnshire County Council via Karen Seal, Principal Officer for Place & Investment at or – you can visit our website: Homepage – Lincolnshire County Council and also find further support to businesses through Team Lincolnshire: Team Lincolnshire Homepage – Team Lincolnshire.  Contact the LEP via through their website on their Teams page and you can register to receive monthly publications and updates on the LEP and the vital work with their partners here.


Concom News – April 2022

  • Bailey International Steeplejacks have been nominated by EP SHB Ltd to join the Concom Scheme. We welcome them and look forward to carrying out the audit at their offices soon.
  • 15 audits were carried out in March (4 of which scored 100%!) – many thanks to all involved for their time, preparations, and hospitality.
  • Five applications were received for the 2022 Apprentice of the Year Awards. The Concom Team and Committee are reviewing these and arranging interviews in the next few weeks with the trophies to be awarded at a ceremony in May.
  • We had our first free Concom awareness training sessions on 31st March, which were very well received. Further training can be carried out – please let us know.
  • The Concom Team are continuing to be involved with new Concom Portal development. We are at the data enter stage and we are promised a test version later this month before launching it over the summer.
  • Concom issued a survey in March. This was to all of our contractor members with regards to any skills shortages they may be experiencing and was a direct result from discussions held at the latest Humber Engineering Managers Forum (HEMF).  Results are being analysed but it is clear that there are already shortages in certain skill sets.  It is expected they will become more exacerbated as a result of the hydrogen and carbon capture projects starting in the area.
  • The pace of development of the social media aspect of Concom has stepped up. The first of our videos was on LinkedIn last week with more planned.  In order to see these at present, you need to follow the Catch &/or Dave Evans pages.  Please feel free to ‘like’ and share!
  • For information, client and contractor Concom membership renewals have been issued and we look forward to hearing from you.
  • The Concom forum is still a blend of in-person and Teams. We had hoped to all be back to Catch rather than remote, but we had to revert back due to the present situation with Covid.


CATCH is delighted to be making its first steps on the road to net zero after completing its first comprehensive carbon assessment through partner organisation Carbon Visibility.
The assessment covers emissions resulting from buildings, fleet vehicles, business travel, commuting, waste disposal and supply chain, in line with UK government reporting guidelines.
CATCH’s output for the 2020/21 financial year and carbon reduction plan sets a baseline from which to make improvements immediately and to start to look at longer term, more complex carbon reduction projects.

Head Of Operations Paul Snowden, who completed the assessment using Carbon Visibility’s digital platform, said calculating emissions was the first step on CATCH’s journey to net zero.
He said: “This was a very user-friendly but comprehensive process and the data we now have will be invaluable in helping us to identify areas of priority for our carbon reduction.
“We are working with Carbon Visibility to identify the most beneficial changes we can make and begin to take steps to implement them, and are already looking at a project to install solar panels on our roof space.
“We can even predict, for example, how much carbon we can save by increasing home working were practical and encouraging and incentivising staff to change their mode of commuting and choice of business travel, and make a cost-benefit assessment based on that data.”

Carbon Visibility was established in 2020 to provide a simple digital solution to the complexity of calculating carbon outputs for organisations of all sizes.
As well as offering this service through its digital assessment platform, it also provides consultancy services to enable businesses to identify impactful carbon reduction opportunities and marketing services which promote their good news stories.

CEO Neil Armstrong said: “We are very pleased that CATCH have really grasped the nettle with their carbon assessment and are serious about making a meaningful change that will have real benefits for the environment.
“Carbon Visibility are excited to be on this journey with CATCH and we look forward to seeing the effects of their carbon reduction measures take the organisation towards net zero over the coming years.”

To find out more about Carbon Visibility, visit, email or call 0333 772 9098.


The CHEMUK 2022 EXPO returns on the 11th & 12th May 2022 at the NEC in Birmingham. The event, now established as the UK’s only major expo for the UK chemical industries, will showcase 350+ specialist exhibitors and 150+ expert speakers across two co-locating shows; ‘The Chemical, Process & Plant Engineering Show’, and ‘The Chemical Industries Supply Chain Show’. 

The Chemical, Process & Plant Engineering Show will feature specialist exhibitors and speakers showcasing and discussing latest innovation covering process, plant & flow technologies; control valves & actuators; thermal technologies; digitisation & automation; chemical metering & dosing, materials handling, filtration & separation… plus lots more

Industry partners supporting this show include BPMA – The British Pump Manufacturers Association, BVAA – The British Valve & Actuator Association, Process Intensification Network; CPI – Centre for Process Innovation, GAMBICA, NEPIC, TSA – Tank Storage Association and the UK Gasket & Sealing Association.

The Chemical Industries Supply Chain Show will present chemical industry supply chain organisations specialising in chemicals, raw materials & ingredients; logistics & transportation; HSE management & regulatory compliance; contract, toll & outsourcing; and business services.

Industry partners supporting the supply chain show include CBA – Chemical Business Association; Chemical Northwest & Chemical Industries Association; BASA – British Adhesives & Sealants Association, BCMPA – The Association for Contract Manufacturing, Packing, Fulfilment & Logistics; Composites UK; CATCH; British Surface Treatment Suppliers Association (BSTSA); SIA – Solvents Industry Association; and UKLA – United Kingdom Lubricants Association.

Show organiser, Ian Stone, comments: “CHEMUK is deliberately set out to be a total industry meeting point, creating a fusion of cross-sector energies, inputs and connectivity, however we also recognise the contrasting needs of attending ‘engineering & plant technical management’ and the wider ‘industry supply chain’ focused attendees, on themes such as supply chain chemicals & ingredients, logistics & outsourcing, HSE, regulatory compliance, R&D management and more….

 Separating into two complimentary yet contrasting exhibition shows can only help to get attendees locked into discussions with their primary targets quicker, as well as providing an easy ‘under one giant roof’ experience to take in the broader trends of the sector”

 NEW FOR 2022:

 CHEMLAB Programme – Developing on last year’s laboratory related content, CHEMUK 2022 will present the ‘ChemLab Programme’ showcasing specialist exhibitors providing laboratory solutions & services embracing research & development; testing & analysis; process design & optimisation; and QC/QA laboratory testing.

 Sustainability Stage (sponsored by Uniper) – Hosting panel sessions and feature presentations embracing critical themes such as chemical recycling and sustainable chemical processing, together with ‘Green Chemistry’ innovation and transition to bio-based products.

  • ‘CHEM 4.0’ Stage (sponsored by ABB) – Reflecting the tectonic shift towards digitized operations, CHEMUK 2022 will present a dedicated speaker programme covering Digital Adoption Strategies; Process Automation & Robotics; Big Data & Process Data Management, AI & Deep Learning, IIoT/VR, Digital-driven sustainability, and lots more.
  • Bio- Innovation Poster Zone’ – Bringing together illuminating ‘poster displays’ from start-ups & research groups, from across the rapidly evolving ‘biochemical/industrial biotech’ landscape. Supporters of the zone include BioVale, BioRenewables Development Centre, BioYorkshire, IBioIc and the Cosmetics Cluster
  • Royal Society of Chemistry Member’s Event – The RSC will be heavily involved in the show once again this May. We are delighted to announce that the RSC President-Elect, Professor Gill Reid, has been confirmed to keynote on Wednesday. The RSC will also be hosting a member’s drink reception on Networking Area 2 at 17:00 on 11th May.


CHEMUK 2022 takes place on Wed 11th & Thu 12th May 2022

Venue: NEC – National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, B40 1NT

 CHEMUK 2022 Opening Times:

 Day 1: 9.30am – 5.00pm

Day 2: 9.30am – 4.00pm

Register for your FREE entry badge at


Around 20 delegates attended an 8 March webinar hosted by the Tank Storage Association (TSA) outlining the approach and benefits of the Bulk Liquid Terminals Technician (BLTT) apprenticeship programme which has places for September 2022 starts.  CATCH’s James McIntosh and Reynolds Training Services’ John Reynolds ran participants through the focused, specialized apprenticeship content, funding and the National Centre for Processing & Manufacturing (NCPM) plant equipment available at the Stallingborough site.  Reynolds are an established sector provider, and the use of the NCPM’s unique, hands-on simulation facilities means the preparation of the BLTT apprentices is world-class and highly practical.  The content and assessment standards of the programme were developed in conjunction with the TSA and Cogent Skills. Indicative of the wider sector approval is that, as examples, both Exolum and OPA apprentices have already trained through this scheme.  The 30 month programme takes place both at employer worksites and at the NCPM (a partnership site of CATCH and RTS).  During the webinar there was an opportunity to ask questions of James and John, and this was a part of the call when The Oil Pipelines Agency (OPA) also offered to speak further about their programme experience with any interested parties.  Companies on the hour-long call were in the main drawn from the memberships of either the TSA or the UKPIA.  If you too would like to receive information about this apprenticeship, please send an e-mail to (or to


The CATCH Environmental Managers Network met on Wednesday 9 February.  The event was chaired by Martin Jones from Yara and attended by over 20 delegates joining both in person and online.

Matthew Woollin, a technical specialist for climate change with the Environment Agency, gave a presentation.  The Environment Agency has recognised that the Humber Industrial Cluster comprises potentially interlinked projects focusing on decarbonising existing energy intensive sites.  These projects will see the deployment of several processes at a scale not seen before within the UK. Including the need for new or varied environmental permits from the Environment Agency.

Matthew described how a new Humber pathfinder project aims to explore and understand the extent to which environmental needs and constraints associated with low carbon technologies could limit wider technology deployment.  The Humber pathfinder pilot project will focus on water availability and quality and will begin to identify environmental needs and constraints in the Humber industrial cluster.  The outcome will enable industry, the government, place-makers, and the Environment Agency to anticipate, and prepare mitigation for these environmental needs and constraints.

The first phase of the project started in February with introductory sessions and questionnaires expected to be available for use later this month.  The Environment Agency are seeking information from existing sites and those planning investments as to what water needs and constraints have been identified in current and future water availability and quality.

After a break the group heard a presentation on water efficiency from Colin Robinson from Evides Industriewater.  Colin highlighted areas of the UK where water stress is forecast to worsen as city populations grow and industrial demands for more water increase.  Competition for water is increasing for a number of reasons – as the climate warms more water can be stored in the atmosphere along with more frequent dry periods requiring irrigation to support agriculture.  Many industrial nations have been abstracting groundwater which has resulted in environmental damage and loss of biodiversity.  Population growth and demand for the products supplied by industry to meet our needs sees greater pressure on this precious resource.  Advanced industrial regions are taking steps to reduce CO2 emissions through carbon capture and storage and hydrogen production which will add a further demand on water to meet the demands of these new technologies.

The water industry alone is responsible for 2% of the UKs CO2 emissions to process and supply the water we need every day.  The group learned that the availability of new abstraction licenses along the south Humber bank is already severely limited.

Colin presented some details on water use in production of hydrogen and in the processing for carbon capture and storage.  Not surprisingly hydrogen production from electrolysis uses more water than the SMR/ATR ‘blue’ hydrogen production route.  For the UK to reach our current 2050 low carbon hydrogen production target of 50GW (with 20% from green hydrogen) we will require 146 million litres per day, this is a third of existing industrial water demand.

Colin recommended that industries review the potential for drought risk at their site and outlined a number of proactive steps to take to reduce the risk.  Evides Industriewater has some excellent examples of effective treatment of wastewater flows to enable water to be reused without it first being discharged to the environment.  Industrial sites in the Netherlands have been on the journey from risk of drought and competition for supply to now having a variety of secure water sources that has also freed up more fresh water supplies for the local population.  We must find similar win win projects in the Humber to make water a priority in our wider approach to industrial symbiosis and drive to a net zero industrial cluster.

The next Humber Environmental Managers Network will be held on 8 June for more information please contact


CATCH is seeking an experienced catering company to provide a full catering service to a growing 100+ covers per day.  Based on-site at the CATCH Facility in Stallingborough, catering companies are invited to tender to cater for a wide audience of stakeholders, such as apprentices, tenants, catch employees, event attendees and training course delegates.

Questions are accepted to the 14th March, with full proposals to be submitted by the 25th March.

Download the tender specification here – Catering specification – Feb 22

Download the kitchen equipment list here – Copy of Appendix – kitchen equipment



CATCH Apprenticeships recently welcomed Jack Killingray of GamCare to its West Yorkshire centre, to run a session with first year apprentices regarding gambling.  Apprentices learned about the risks of gambling and online gaming and how some people form addictions to these activities accumulating significant debts.

Lisa Kennedy Apprenticeships Delivery Manager said “CATCH Apprenticeships is committed to delivering first class apprenticeship training, which not only delivers on academic and vocational aspects but supports those in early careers with a Personal Development Programme aimed at developing life skills.  We would like to thank Jack for a thought-provoking session, and look forward to continuing working with Gamcare in the Humber and West Yorkshire regions”


CATCH has led cluster engagement in the Humber and Yorkshire region for over 20 years and are now set to build on this success with a look ahead to 2030 and beyond.

CATCH started as a membership organisation for the Humber’s energy intensive industries and their suppliers back in 1999. Since this time we have developed our services to support our members by building strong partnerships with regulators, policy makers and public sector organisations at local, regional and national level. Our famous CATCH training facilities have grown and strengthened to become a beacon for the region’s commitment to supporting the process, energy, engineering and renewable sectors in the Humber and Yorkshire region.

In the last 12 months CATCH has supported the development of the Humber Industrial Cluster Plan – securing significant UKRI grant to spend on meeting industrial net zero targets for the Humber. Part of our role will be ensuring the cluster plan demonstrates the status of the Humber Cluster as the leading low carbon cluster in the UK.

CATCH is committed to supporting our members and the major infrastructure projects that will deploy technology such as carbon capture and storage and hydrogen manufacture, storage and distribution across a region ready for the next step.

To support the supply chain and skills and training needs created by these large projects we will work with a wide range of partners to implement recommendations from studies commissioned by the HICP team and continue to support those bringing inward investment into the region with industry data and vital regional connections that make the difference.

Our vision to establish the Humber Industrial Decarbonisation Centre is being developed with public and private sector partners in order to establish a stakeholder board to drive the concept forward.

Our site here in Stallingbrough is at full capacity, with footfall reaching levels never seen before. That is why our vision includes expansion of our capability, including facilities such as a new head office and reception, a low carbon skills centre and an industrial decarbonisation centre. All powered by renewable energy technologies for a sustainable future.
We will continue to provide industry with the best possible services, training facilities, and opportunities and we believe that our vision will continue to put CATCH at the heart of the industry’s Net Zero future.

Find out more here



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We have made the commitment – have you?
