CATCH Vision

The CATCH 5-Year Vision

We are excited to share our aspirations –  and accompanying video –  to become a leading force in the low carbon future of our region.

Our visionary business plan has been approved by our industry-led Board of Directors, including the growth of our membership services, our training capability at the National Centre for Process and Manufacturing, and building a sustainable legacy with our work on the Humber industrial Cluster Plan. 

Our site here in Stallingbrough is at full capacity, with footfall reaching levels never seen before. That is why our vision includes expansion of our capability, including facilities such as a new head office and reception, a low carbon skills centre and a industrial decarbonisation centre. All powered by renewable energy technologies for a sustainable future.

We aim to continue to provide the industry with the best possible services, training facilities, and opportunities and we believe that our vision will continue to put CATCH at the heart of the industry’s NetZero future.


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