Lisa Buck, Author at - Page 22 of 24


CATCH, the industry led partnership supporting the process, energy, engineering and renewable industries in Yorkshire and Humber were delighted to hold their first ever Industrial Decarbonisation Network at PX Saltend Chemicals Park on the 29th January 2020.

The network was attended by 30 members all keen to learn more about how to set Science Based Targets and how these compare to Net Zero Targets David Talbot, CEO CATCH, commented “It was a great pleasure today to Chair the first CATCH Industrial Decarbonisation Network meeting! A packed room of delegates from industry (energy producing and energy intensive), the Public Sector and academia meant that we had the right people present to support the region’s ambitious plans for the Humber to become net-zero carbon by 2040, as articulated in the LEP’s Clean Growth White Paper.  I would like to thank Nick Fedson, and Damir Ahmovic from Alfa Energy, Emma Toulson from Orsted and our own Katie Hedges for providing a fascinating insight into science based targets, net zero (and what it really means), and what the region is doing in terms of industrial decarbonisation.

This network has been set up to help CATCH members on their journey to decarbonisation – whether they are already involved in a carbon capture project or looking at hydrogen switching or  just starting your decarbonisation journey and want to share ideas, this network will help you access information and updates from the wider Humber Industrial cluster.

For further information, please contact Katie –

Image: David Talbot, Nick Fedson, Katie Hedges, Damir Ahmovic


We are pleased to announce the start of several new projects on-site here at CATCH. These project have come to fruition due to a number of our on site training providers investing in the site along with funding from the LEP.

Reynolds Training Services, have invested in an enhanced capability for the Plant with a new Honeywell DCS and a new remotely operated valve plus instrumentation.  The second phase of their investment will include an additional capability for bulk fuel storage with tanker issue and receipt points.

North Lindsey College have taken a number of classrooms and two workshops. They have invested in a great deal of equipment to ensure they are focused around the learners needs.

Maersk Training have built an offshore Basic Technical Training and working at height centre an are planning to install dummy nacelles and offering a blade repair capability.

Reynolds Traininng Services and Roxby Training Solutions have redecorated the Technical Training Centre.

Below is a quick update of the status of the projects on site, we will keep you informed of the progress!

Tank Farm upgrade and expansion.
Work has started on our Honeywell DCS / instrument installation on the tank Farm.  Scaffold has been installed on the two large tanks to gain access to the top to fit the new instruments, the cables are being installed back to the control room to the brain of the Honeywell system. Pipe work modifications start on 27th January to allow the fitting of automatic and motorised valves.

There is a Factory acceptance test late January and if the project goes to plan, it will be fully commissioned and operating by the middle of February.

Dining room expansion.
Our dining room, operated by 365, is expanding to accommodate the growing number of learners on site. The design and plans have been approved by Building Regulations and the builders have carried out preliminary work to ascertain where the walls will tie in. The work starts in earnest on February 7th 2020 and should be completed by the end of February and will provide space for an additional 36 covers.

Technical Training Centre air Conditioning.
Following the summer, a schedule of work has been agreed with the Air Conditioning contractors to fit out a further 8 classrooms in the Technical Training Centre with air conditioning. The work starts on 17th February and runs through to late April. We will also be installing a special air conditioning unit for food preparation areas in the kitchen.

If you have any questions regarding the site improvements, please contact Neil Mann, Site Operations Manager –


What a year 2019 has been here at CATCH.

With climate change being high on the political agenda, decarbonisation has become front and centre of the region’s industrial strategy.  The LEPs White Paper on Humber Clean Growth sets the scene for the region to be a net zero carbon industrial economy by 2040.  This is a huge task considering the Humber industrial cluster is the largest emitter of CO2 in the UK by some 30%.  At CATCH we have been working with industry (both the energy producers and energy intensive manufacturers), the LEP and other stakeholders such as Aura and the Bondholders to develop Humber wide plans to get to the net zero figure.

Our own CATCH Skills organisation has gone from strength to strength through the year and we were pleased to announce the creation of the CATCH Engineering Training Partnership in conjunction with North Lindsey College.  This exciting new partnership will deliver technical apprenticeships and adult upskilling courses from Grimsby and Hull to Scunthorpe, right across to Huddersfield and beyond.  CATCH Skills itself now boasts an impressive portfolio of courses and has recently been accredited to deliver ECITB Confined Space training.   Having mentioned ECITB, I must highlight how proud the whole team was to receive the ECTIB Training Provider of the Year Award for 2019.

During the year we also set up the CATCH Technical Service.  CATCH Technical offers membership for technical consultants, which includes collaborative and project based consultancy to CATCH clients and members, plus conferences, events and networking opportunities.  The ConCom contractor competency auditing scheme has developed and grown through the year with new clients on board and a revamped and refocused audit format being implemented in the new year.

Our site has seen a huge amount of dynamic activity and change throughout the year.  Footfall from CATCH delegates and those of our campus of training providers and consultants has grown by over 60% over the last 2 years, including having 140 apprentices undertaking their year 1 training on-site in various technical disciplines.  One thing I really love about CATCH is the campus of first-class organisations that see the benefit of working together, utilising the CATCH facilities.  We were really pleased earlier in the year when Maersk Training joined the site and we are looking forward to working with them moving forward.   The CATCH Academy concept has seen North Lindsey College invest heavily in the site and they have seen an increase in the number of learners they support at CATCH.  Reynolds Training Services has epitomised the relationship between those working from site and CATCH.  They have grown their presence on site over the last few years from one office to now having a wing in the Technical Training Centre with a number of offices and classrooms.  They have invested heavily in the site over the last year and have committed to funding a really exciting programme of upgrading and expanding the Process Plant.  I would like to thank all our on-site partners for their continued support to CATCH – HETA/North Lindsey College/Maersk Training/Reynolds Training Services/Roxby/Safety and Access/ESC/DTK Frigo/AOC.

Finally, we have opened a new office at the Ergo Centre just North of the Humber Bridge and hope to have further announcements along a similar theme shortly.

I have not mentioned everything that has happened over the past year by a long way, but hopefully this gives you a flavour of how CATCH and our partners are really making a difference.

Wishing everyone and their families a joyful, peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year.



LEP calls on local businesses to make the most of the apprenticeship levy and support their local communities

Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership calls on apprenticeship levy-paying businesses to use their powers to support firms in the region with levy transfer

Levy funds not used within 24 months are reclaimed by government to spend outside the region

The Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is calling on apprenticeship levy paying businesses across the City Region to make the most of unspent levy funds and consider supporting training opportunities across their local communities through a levy transfer. As levy payments not used within 24 months are returned to central government, there are potentially millions of pounds in unspent contributions paid by businesses in Leeds City Region that could be put to good use in supporting the future workforce and local economy by helping to increase apprenticeship training.   Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe, Chair of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and leader of Bradford Council, said:

“We all know there are unspent levy contributions which we want to keep in the region. Transferring the levy is one way local employers can help address local skills deficits. Under a devolved settlement we want to build on this and would like to see levy money raised by large organisations in the region staying in the region to benefit SMEs and local people.”    Roger Marsh OBE, Chair of Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership and NP11, said:

“Our levy-paying businesses have a key role in supporting apprenticeships across Leeds City Region and giving skilled people the opportunity to get on in life. “Using your unspent levy funds to support local people and businesses can also have long-term benefits for your own business, as they can increase the skills within a sector and the local talent-base and make companies within supply chains more efficient.”
The LEP has piloted a brokerage service between levy-paying employers and training providers for the purposes of levy transfer and has already seen successes, with Portakabin agreeing to fund 12 apprentices through their training programmes.   Nick Vernon, Head of Learning and Development at Portakabin, said: “In late summer, we became aware of the fact that some training providers across the region were facing funding challenges and there was a risk that they might have to turn businesses away. As an employer with unspent apprenticeship levy, we were able to take positive steps with an apprenticeship levy transfer and are now supporting 12 apprentices through their training programmes.

“It’s not just for a single academic year – we’ve made a long-term commitment to fund the full duration of the apprenticeships. We’re delighted to be able to support the development of apprentices at Portakabin and also within the City Region.”

The call for support comes as training providers across Leeds City Region have contacted the LEP reporting that they are turning away potential apprentices from employers that are under the threshold for paying the apprenticeship levy, due to a lack of non-levy funding for apprenticeships. The LEP has conducted a poll of providers across the City Region, with the majority of respondents confirming that they are also in this situation. The LEP estimates that as many as 300 apprentices across the City Region may be unable to start their courses as a result of funding shortfalls.   The apprenticeship levy is paid by businesses with an annual wage bill of £3 million or more, and is used to fund apprenticeship training and assessment. Levy-paying employers can transfer up to 25% of their contributions to support apprenticeships in smaller businesses.

Research with local employers has shown the value that an apprentice can bring to businesses:

• 86% of businesses said their apprentice helped to fill skills gaps
• 78% said hiring an apprentice improved productivity
• 83% said they would recommend an apprentice to another business
• 90% of apprentices stay with their employer after their course ends.

Businesses wishing to support apprenticeships can get in touch with the LEP to find out how they can make a positive difference and make sure vital opportunities for careers and development are available to people across Leeds City Region. The LEP can help businesses use levy funds to recruit their own apprentice or to transfer unspent funds to increase apprenticeship opportunities across Leeds City Region.

For more information visit


The Apprentice Awards are open to all apprentices in years 2, 3 or 4 working for Concom Client or Contractor member companies. The apprenticeship can be in any discipline, any NVQ awarding body and with any training provider. The Awards will be presented at the CATCH Annual Dinner on Thursday 7th May 2020. The winner will receive a trophy and a cheque for £500 and 2 runners up will receive of £250 each.

Award Criteria
Applicants should write an article of no more 750 words and should include:

An outline of their apprenticeship to date
A demonstration of their academic success, skills and on the job successes
Their understanding of the industry
Any other achievements that are relevant to their performance.

This must be supported by an employer testimonial as to why they think the apprentice is outstanding.

Closing date
All entries to be submitted by 12.00 on Monday 3rd February 2020

Please click here to complete the online nomination form

Please complete the following online application form any questions please email to

As part of the award process we ask that a senior manager from your employer supports your application – please ensure that this section is also completed.

    About you:

    Employers Statement:

    Your Statement (750 words)


    Over 50 delegates signed up to attend the 2019 Skills, Competency and Apprenticeship Conference hosted by the University of Bradford on the 10th October.

    The sold out conference, which had support from E3 Recruitment, Roxby Training Solutions and Reynolds Training Services, aimed to enable companies to network, share best practice and provide solutions to challenges that companies could take away and implement in their own workplaces.

    Commenting on the day, James McIntosh, Head of CATCH Skills said, “This conference was born from our Skills, Competency and Apprenticeship networks, which we host both in the Yorkshire and Humber regions. These group are led by an industry chair, which means that the networks are always relevant and provides significant support to those who attend. Our conference brought those groups together to share the learning journey of those in the industry, from early experiences at school and to upskilling and continual learning in the workplace”

    The conference highlighted the importance of industry engagement with schools, with two members of the NuFarm NuGeneration team presenting their pioneering project. The project aims to engage with local school children to promote Nufarm and what they do plus inspire them in a fun and safe way to potential career opportunities in the process industries. The NuGeneration team is self-managed by the young people at Nufarm and not only provides community benefit but great learning and development opportunities for the individuals in the team too.  The project is now fully established and is looking to expand the number of schools they engage with.  Delegates were recommended to look at their own young people to see how they can make a difference in their workplaces.

    The conference also heard from the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership, who gave insight into the local labour market and what the LEP are doing to support skills in the region.  Syngenta, who spoke about their extremely successful apprenticeship journey plus we heard from hosts – the University of Bradford who spoke about the amazing work they do with degree apprenticeships, industry engagement and their work placements team.

    CATCH Skills then presented their new exciting collaborative venture between CATCH and DN College Group – CETP. This new initiative brings together engineering based training to promote engineering as a career choice to young people, to provide a gateway to employment for new entrants and to deliver workplace training to upskill existing employees. CETP has 11 locations across the Yorkshire and Humber regions to deliver first-class industry training, with the CATCH Skills facility being one of them.

    The conference closed with David Talbot, CEO of CATCH leading an open discussion on the day’s topics and events.

    If you are interested in attending the skills competency and apprenticeship network, either in Yorkshire or the Humber, please contact the CATCH Skills team –


    EU Exit event for the chemicals industry, The Lowry, Pier 8, Salford Quays (Manchester) M50 3AZ 10 October 2019

    You are invited  to join a free to attend workshop organised by the Chemical Industries Association.  The event is open to non-member companies and the workshop is designed to be especially valuable to SMEs including those who need to increase their level of preparedness ahead of the UK’s EU exit.

    The CIA-organised event will share the very latest information and guidance, relevant to the chemistry using community.  The objective of the workshop will be to assist companies as they put in place contingencies ahead of the UK leaving the EU without a deal on 31 October 2019.  Should the UK leave without a deal the impact on the regulatory and trading requirements will be significant.  Sessions will focus on key areas such as regulations (including REACH, CLP, Biocides), tariffs and customs/border processes.  I am delighted that representatives from DEFRA, the Health and Safety Executive and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs will supplement the detailed briefing from CIA’s policy leads.

    The workshop is supported by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy through the Business Readiness Fund.  BEIS recognise the criticality of the chemical industry and broader sector and the potential of a negative impact on downstream industries should there be any interruption in supply.  Every effort is being made to ensure that potential hiccups are mitigated wherever possible. Preparation now might avoid your products being held at an exit port due to missing documentation or raw materials not arriving on time to meet your production schedules.

    Space on the day is strictly limited to the first 100 delegates. Registrations will be allocated on a first come basis and limited to one delegate per company.  For those not able to join the event, for whatever reason, the CIA will share copies of speaker slides.  I’m also pleased to confirm that CIA will publish a guide that provides step by step information covering key policy areas that explain the changes that UK companies should now be preparing for ahead of exit.   We will distribute copies of the publication to individual companies, multipliers, other trade associations and regional cluster organisations.

    Please click here to register, if you would like to join the event on 10 October.  Please click this link (here) if you would like to receive a copy of the CIA Brexit brochure.


    The CATCH Awards 2020 are now open for nominations – close 13th March 2020

    The CATCH awards, sponsored by E3 Recruitment, celebrate those people in your organisation who stand out – show them some appreciation by nominating them to receive an award at the Norths most prestigious awards dinner!

    The People Award Categories are:

    Young Achiever Award
    The  young achiever award celebrates apprentices, graduates, higher apprentices and young people who are making a significant contribution in their workplace.  The award aims to showcase the positive impact that young people make in industry and encourage employers to develop and grow talent in their sector.

    Outstanding Leader Award
    The outstanding leader award celebrates all those who make a real difference to your business. We often think of leaders as mangers of people, projects or processes – when in fact leaders could also be those that set examples for others, speak freely or coach colleagues.  People are what makes your company successful, thank them by nominating them for this award.

    Best Partnership Award
    Partnership working is becoming an essential part of every company’s strategy. From sharing best practice to working with academia, most companies now work with others to fulfill their business objectives.  This could be a project which actively involved several colleagues, or perhaps your social responsibility team had made a difference in the local community. Who ever you have partnered with, we would love to hear your story.

    Skills Project of the year Award
    As we all know, skills is still high on the agenda for many companies. Therefore, we have devised an award to celebrate companies that are actively involved in changing the landscape, not only for themselves but for the industry too. This award celebrates skills at all levels, from involvement with schools, colleges, training providers and universities to continuous development and up-skilling staff in the workplace.

    To nominate please complete this simple form – or send details to

      About you:

      About the person you would like to nominate:

      Please select:



      7th May 2020 @7pm

      Mercure Hotel, Willerby, Hull.

      Over 300 industry guests throughout the industry

      Whats included?
      Network at our drinks reception & meet the sponsors
      Enjoy a Three course meal
      Celebrate the ConCom Apprentice of the Year
      Congratulate the winners of our People Awards – nominate now – click here 
      Be entertained by our after Dinner speaker –  Jamie Peacock MBE
      Win amazing prizes at our Charity Raffle

      Sponsorship packages are available from £595+vat and tickets from £95+vat. Download the prices and booking form –  Annual Dinner Booking Form 2020 Early bird to 6th March 2020

      If you have any questions please contact Lisa –

      Special thanks to our sponsors:




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      Follow CATCH through our various social media channels, we are constantly updating these with exciting information

      We have made the commitment – have you?
