Lisa Buck, Author at - Page 12 of 24


CATCH hosted 80 delegates on the 10th March for the first Hydrogen Network meeting, as part of the Humber Industrial Cluster Plan project.

Silvian Baltac and Jason Martins of Element Energy opened the meeting with an informative presentation on Deep-decarbonisation pathways for UK Industry. Sharing their report for the Climate Change Committee for the 6th Carbon Budget which included a modeling tool for the Industrial Decarbonisation strategy for BEIS.  The report covers all UK industrial sites, sectors, and cluster-specific infrastructure.

Specifically, their report outlined, the uptake of Hydrogen across UK industry and the UK drivers, such as hydrogen production rates and variable hydrogen storage options. Plus an overview of the Hydrogen projects in the region such as H2H Saltend and the Gigastack project.  The presentation also covered why it is important to scale up Hydrogen production – such as retaining current industry, reducing the risk of offshoring, creating new jobs and attracting new investment whilst ensuring economic growth.

You can find the CCC 6th Carbon Budget report here –

Next, we welcomed Simon Morris, CCO, HiiRoc who introduced us to their fantastic new plasma technology, that produces Hydrogen from Hydrocarbon feedstocks on-site, with their modular scalable system.  The process produces a bi product – Clean Carbon Black, that can be used in multiple ways such as a soil fertiliser, rubber and toner cartridges. Their solution provides a low-cost clean hydrogen solution, that enables clients to realise their low carbon ambitions.  The company aims to be a driving force servicing the energy transition and the regions net zero ambitions.

Find out more here –

Katie Hedges, Head of Membership & Low Carbon Strategy at CATCH, detailed the recent success of the Humber Industrial Cluster Plan which has secured £1.7million from the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund to develop a plan for net zero by 2040.  The plan supports a range of deployment project bids that could see first end to end CO2 storage achieved by 2025-2027.

You can sign up to the Humber Industrial cluster Plan here –

The next network takes place on the 6th June 2021, if you have any questions, please contact or


We sat down with Mark Millerchip to find out a little more about on-site tenants DTK Frigo UK.

“We are a Danish Transport and Logistics company established since 1991 with our head office in Padborg, Denmark.  We provide refrigerated / ambient transport solutions to and from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland. We operate our own fleet of 100+ refrigerated trailers providing transport across many industry sectors including fresh and frozen fish, fruit and veg, foodstuffs, pharmaceutical, high-value goods, and chemicals amongst others. We also have our own in-house customs clearance department providing much-needed expertise especially post-Brexit.

We decided to base our business at CATCH as it is ideally situated to serve the port of Immingham and the other Humber ports of Hull and Killingholme and close proximity to Grimsby and its rich fishing heritage”

To find out more visit


The University of Hull’s Energy and Environment Institute (EEI) invites you to their webinar on funded postgraduate research opportunities. Find out more about scholarships at the Aura CDT in Offshore Wind Energy and the Environment Webinar (10 March).

The EEI is looking to equip people with a passion for the environment with the necessary skills, knowledge and training to become future leaders. The Aura CDT welcomes applicants with backgrounds in a wide range of STEM subjects. This is a fully-funded scholarship, with fees and stipend set at UKRI approved rates.

Undertaking postgraduate research at a Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) brings you the benefit of joining a cohort of like-minded students as well as an innovative programme of training, drawing on the expertise of the academic and external partners. Join the webinar to find out how these qualities could help improve your employability or kick-start a research career.

The offshore wind sector is a fast-growing industry with 30,000 new jobs needed by 2030 to help the UK meet its carbon reduction targets. The Aura CDT drives sustainable growth through research tackling the environmental and engineering challenges facing the sector and provides a programme of industry-led training and networking to help you launch your career.

Join our webinar to hear from course lecturers, current students & researchers as well as employers. The webinars will close with a Q&A giving attendees the opportunity to delve deeper into issues of particular interest.

Register now:
Webinar for the Aura CDT 6.00-7.00pm Wednesday 10 March
If you have any questions about the webinars, Centres or the work of the Energy and Environment Institute please email

The EEI is running the above webinar as part of a series, you may also be interested in the following webinars on postgraduate taught programmes:
Mon 8 March – MSc Flood Risk Management
Tues 9 March – MSc Renewable Energy and MSc Environmental Change, Management & Monitoring
Thurs 11 March – Webinar for the Leverhulme Centre for Water Cultures





Aura Innovation would like to invite you to participate in their Future NetZero study:

Making our region greener. It’s your business.
What advice, services or support could we offer to help your business become greener, cleaner and leaner, and what are you already doing to achieve this? We want to know.  Click here for further details –


Thursday 25th February at 11am

Title:  Industrial waste heat and fuel switching

Description:  Emissions from heat are the single biggest contributor to UK emissions, with industrial processes contributing ~66 MtCO2/pa (2016). For the UK to meet it’s climate change obligations, it must generate the same levels of success had with electricity decarbonisation. The webinar focuses on the role of heat recovery and fuel switching can play on industrial process, exploring the current policies, challenges, opportunities, new innovations, case studies as well as the fiscal outlook.


Thursday 11th March at 11am

Title: “Optimising energy concept and grid connection for new build – Boost your project ROI with Construction industry’s best kept secrets”

Description: Infrastructure developments are complex projects to manage, with multiple priorities fighting for attention. Energy and connection economics are often overlooked but can have a disproportionate impact on your project’s plan. Having an early view of grid connection and energy concept economics drives the right decisions towards best return on investment, whether a straightforward import connection or a complex concept with embedded power generation and storage.

We will share case studies showing how three simple steps can boost your connection business case:

  1. Understanding options: behind the meter assets, ownership, boundaries, tariffs
  2. Modelling load, flows and cash flows at early stage to inform design decisions
  3. Using deregulated connection approaches and sourcing the right partners

We will also share a connection upgrade case and share thoughts on how to value existing connections.


Thursday 18th March at 11am

The next in our series of Lean Six Sigma themed webinars will be on The Wonderful World of Workplace Organisation (5S)

Everything in its place and everything has a place!  5S is defined as a methodology that results in a workplace that is clean, uncluttered, safe, and well organized to help reduce waste and optimize productivity. It’s designed to help build a quality work environment, both physically and mentally.

This webinar will take us through the 5 steps to achieve workplace organisation, with case studies of real-life examples and the benefits it can bring.

For further information or to book a place – please contact Jill Mooney –


Jasmine sits at the centre of the CATCH  business and has a varied role – managing everything from our Event space to assisting with our ISO procedures and HR matters.

What apprenticeship pathway did you study and why? I studied Business & Administration because my job role related to the qualification and I wanted to progress with my career in this sector.

How do you feel this has benefited your career? The apprenticeship has improved my confidence and helped with my people skills in the working world.

What tips would you give your young self? I would say to always push yourself and do something every day that scares you, stepping outside of my comfort zone has helped in the long run with increasing my confidence.

What are your hopes for the future and how did your apprenticeship support your ambitions? I hope to become an expert in my role and I believe my apprenticeship has supported my ambitions by helping me build up knowledge, skills, responsibility and gaining general workplace experience.


Launch of new Hydrogen Network

The Humber Industrial Cluster Plan, a project led by CATCH, the Humber LEP and 8 industry partners are delighted to invite business, stakeholders and members to the inaugural meeting of the Hydrogen Network.

The Humber Industrial Cluster Plan is funded by of the Government’s Industrial Decarbonisation Challenge Fund scheme, part of the £350m green recovery package. The HICP will deliver a comprehensive roadmap, detailing the key stakeholders, technologies, deployment projects, skills, supply chain, and policy required to ensure that the Humber Cluster can achieve net zero by 2040 – potentially the first region in the world to do so.

The new Hydrogen network aims to facilitate best practice sharing, provide updates from projects around the region and showcase new technologies and findings of studies conducted in the Hydrogen arena.  This network is open to all, and welcomes input from all aspects of Hydrogen, from production to heating and transport.

Katie Hedges, Head of Low Carbon Strategy at CATCH said “This network will be facilitated by CATCH and will embrace companies at every stage of their decarbonisation journey. We hope that companies will come together to support each other, collaborate and provide one voice to amplify Hydrogen as a critical technology to achieve Net Zero by 2040”.

The network takes place online on the 10th March commencing at 10am.  The agenda is as follows:

Chairman:  David Talbot, CATCH
10.00am    Welcome from Chair

1. Hydrogen – An update from Element Energy     
Silvian Baltac and Jason Martins,  Element Energy

2. A HiiRoc Solution     
Simon Morris, Founder, HiiRoc

3. Decarbonising Industrial Clusters
Katie Hedges, CATCH
Humber Industrial Cluster Plan update

4. Company Updates   
All – Share your journey to Decarbonisation

5. Future Topic ideas for the Network 2021

Close Approx.: 12:00 noon

For further information, please contact Lisa –


Holly joined CATCH as an apprentice 7 years ago – and has recently been promoted to a key role within our CATCH Skills Department.

What apprenticeship pathway did you study and why?
I studied for an NVQ Diploma in Business Administration. Throughout my first year of A Levels, I soon decided that classroom learning wasn’t for me, I was destined to learn whilst gaining real-life experience, and earning money!

How do you feel this has benefited your career?
Becoming an apprentice at CATCH has definitely benefited my career in so many ways, and has secured the job I have today. The apprentice route provided me with so much experience completing on the job tasks and giving me a strong understanding of the different roles and responsibilities within the workplace. Being supported and guided by the team at CATCH has also made a huge impact on my personal development growth, and the confidence and skills I have built up along the way have helped me become a key member of the team.

What tips would you give your young self?
I would tell my young self starting at CATCH 7 years ago to make the most of all the experience and opportunities you get to be apart of. Not everything will be easy, but keep striving and you will reach your goals!

What are your hopes for the future and how did your apprenticeship support your ambitions?
My hopes for the future are to continue building strong relationships to support our Client’s in the region and nationally. CATCH has so many amazing opportunities throughout the journey ahead, and I cannot wait to be a part of them. Let’s see where the next 7 years takes us!


As part of National Apprenticeship Week, we interviewed recent Employee Excellence Award winner Jess.  Jess started her career with an Apprenticeship at CATCH.

What apprenticeship pathway did you study and why?
Business Administration, I felt this pathway covered the majority of the basics within a business. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do and this seemed to open up the most opportunities when looking for an apprenticeship

How do you feel this has benefited your career?
It has developed my knowledge of businesses and how they work. It has allowed me to develop within my role and enabled me to go on to Level 3 and Level 4 qualifications.

What tips would you give your young self?
To keep going because there are opportunities ahead once you have completed your training. Starting somewhere new can be daunting but it is definitely worth it.

What are your hopes for the future and how did your apprenticeship support your ambitions?
My future hopes are to complete my Business Administration Level 4 apprenticeship to gain more knowledge into the management of a business. I hope this will lead to further development in my role in the future.

Thank you Jess!



To celebrate National Apprenticeship Week, we would like to shine the spotlight on our very own apprentice – Libbi.  Her manager Lauren – Senior Finance Officer said “Libbi is such a great asset to CATCH – she is very hardworking and has fitted in so well despite joining us in the middle of a pandemic! Libbi is really focused on her financial training but is also learning a wide range of new skills as her positive mindset means she is happy to get involved with the rest of the team, helping out when required”.

We asked Libbi to share her experiences with us so far:

Why did you decide to take an apprenticeship?

I chose to take an apprenticeship because I find it easier to learn by physically doing tasks and there are also so many opportunities within the business to progress your personal skills as well as working towards qualifications.

Is the apprenticeship what you expected?

I have previously been an apprentice so I had an idea what it is like and how it all works, however, with this apprenticeship I am getting involved with all aspects of the business and being able to help the whole team as well as doing my own job and also studying for my qualification which wasn’t what I expected as much.

What are your hopes for the future?

My hopes for the future would be to continue with my qualifications, become a qualified accountant, and progress in the business.

Thank you Libbi!


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