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A training provider on the south Humber bank has become the first to be awarded funding as part of the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board’s (ECITB) £1 million investment in Regional Skills Hubs.

The ECITB has awarded CATCH £300,000 to help upgrade its existing welding, pipefitting and electrical training facilities in Stallingborough near Grimsby.

The upgrade is part of a joint venture with industry to increase learning capacity at the training centre by 100% over the next two years, as part of a broader Humber Skills Plan to increase training output by 1000% by 2029.

The ECITB’s £1 million investment in Regional Skills Hubs is designed to boost training provider capacity and grow new entrant numbers in the ‘Industrial Cluster’ hot spots and other major engineering construction industry (ECI) centres of activity which will be at the heart of the UK’s decarbonisation agenda.

ECITB Chief Executive Andrew Hockey said: “The ECITB is delighted to support CATCH as it continues to develop a pipeline of trained, skilled workers for major engineering construction projects in the Humber region.

“We know from the Labour Forecasting Tool (LFT), launched in December, that the labour demand gap for new workers in the engineering construction industry will get wider with an estimated shortfall of 40,000 workers by 2028.

“The Regional Skills Hub grant is targeted specifically on capacity-building projects in the UK’s industrial heartlands that will directly increase the flow of workers into the industry.

“The proposal clearly highlighted the project participants’ commitment, externally leveraged funding and clear outputs and delivery milestones.

“Our investment will support the training of more skilled workers to help decarbonisation projects, such as the Viking CCS projects in this area.

“This decarbonisation project has Track 2 status and a diverse range of cluster members.

“CATCH and its stakeholders have ambitious expansion plans to increase the extra skilled workers needed to support the UK’s largest industrial cluster contribute to the country’s net zero goals.”

Two-phase expansion plan

The first phase of CATCH’s expansion plan is a £2 million joint venture between the industry-led training centre, initial investors Phillips 66 Limited, VPI Immingham power station and Harbour Energy, alongside the ECITB’s funding.

A refit to its training centre during summer 2024 will see CATCH’s welding, pipefitting, instrumentation and electrical bays upgraded.

Phase two will see the development of a new £60 million National Net Zero Training Centre by 2029, which will look to deliver 1,000 learners a year.

David Talbot, Chief Executive at CATCH, said: “This £300,000 funding from the ECITB marks a significant milestone for CATCH.

“It secures the transformation of our training facilities in Stallingborough, as we move towards our goal of increasing our learning capacity by 100% this year as part of scaling up the number of new entrants to industry to create the workforce that is required for our region to build net zero infrastructure.

“As we embark on this exciting journey, we are extremely grateful for the support of our industry partners and the ECITB, aligning with our vision to provide a pipeline of skilled workers for the Humber region’s engineering construction projects.”

Paul Fursey, UK Lead Executive and General Manager Humber Refinery at Phillips 66 Limited, said: “It is great to see the support from the ECITB in the development of a leading National Net Zero Training Centre.

“There is a great urgency to increase apprenticeships and skilled resources locally and nationally to support the development of critical UK infrastructure.

“Year after year we are seeing a drop in skilled labour, and it is vital we act now. CATCH is a great example of how industry and public bodies can come together to combat this.”

Grants for decarbonisation projects

The ECITB is keen to work with more clients, contractors and training providers across the six major industrial cluster regions to invest in growing the number of skilled workers needed for other major decarbonisation projects.

The cluster regions are the Black Country, East Coast (comprising Teesside and Humber), north-west England, Scotland, South Wales and the Solent.

Funding of between £50,000 and £500,000 will be awarded to eligible projects that meet set criteria, including the need to match ECITB grant funding with investment from industry partners.

To find out more initial contact should be made to Andy Brown, Chief Operating Officer: or David Nash, Director of Strategy and Policy:

Read more about the criteria and what grants can be used for at



The CATCH Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity, and Belonging (EDIB) Network was officially launched almost a year ago with guest chairs taking on the stewardship, now under the leadership of its Chair, Nina Stobart of Phillips 66, member companies have endorsed the newly established EDIB Charter and its accompanying guidelines, demonstrating their collective commitment to shaping an industry that is resilient, adaptive, and inclusive. With the sector currently facing a notable skills shortage and with a surge of job opportunities expected from upcoming large-scale engineering and construction projects, ensuring a diverse talent pool and equal opportunity has never been more crucial.

The group boasts a membership of highly skilled industry professionals and therefore has established four specialised sub-committees: Policy, Recruitment and Outreach, Allyship, and Training and Development to tackle some of the industry’s most pressing challenges.

Chairperson Nina Stobart, External Communications & Public Affairs Lead, Phillips 66 said, “Promoting and delivering EDI&B in the workplace is an essential aspect of good people management. It’s about creating working environments and cultures where every individual can feel safe and a sense of belonging and is empowered to achieve their full potential. Our new Charter is a commitment that we are on that journey to help our business and the region reach our Vision which is

… to be part of a progressive and equitable region where businesses support a fully inclusive and diverse workforce in an environment where they feel seen, heard, supported, and valued.

 To do this we all need to play our part by embracing difference, valuing everyone’s contribution, treating people with dignity and respect and increasing our understanding by hearing lived experience of others. Only by doing this can we take the appropriate positive steps forward to ensure we can meet the needs of everyone. We know this really does matter. It matters for everyone, and it must be a priority, not just in words but in action”

Lisa Buck, CATCH’s Head of Stakeholder Engagement, shared, “The inception of this network was inspired by discussions within the CATCH HR leaders forum. Regional businesses expressed a feeling that, despite commendable efforts already underway, there was vast potential for more impact if we all worked together. Our sessions have been lively and uplifting, with influential people eager to collaborate in enhancing the industry as a more inclusive workspace.”

Companies that have signed up to the Charter include – Philips 66, Yara International, Tronox, Humber Bank Instruments, OLG, Lenzing, Solenis, and Gassco.

For further details about joining the CATCH EDIB Network and signing up to the EDIB Charter, please reach out to Lisa –


COLLEGES across Greater Lincolnshire have joined forces to tackle the widening skills gap after securing millions of pounds of government funding.

TEC Partnership, as lead partner for the Greater Lincolnshire LSIF Partnership, has been allocated a total of over £3.5m by the Department of Education. The move is part of a drive to help people launch careers in key industries, upskill the workforce through innovative projects and boost economic growth across the region.

The funds will support delivery of activities aligned with the Greater Lincolnshire and Rutland Local Skills Improvement Plan, published in August 2023, which identified a host of unfilled opportunities in sectors such as green energy and the digital industry that are carrying thousands of vacancies for skilled staff.

The projects cover Decarbonisation and Green Skills, focusing on Engineering and Low Carbon Technologies, Green Energy and Building Services Engineering; Digitisation and Smarter Working, covering Augmented & Virtual Reality, Cyber Security/Automation/Artificial Intelligence and Digital Production, Design and Development.

There will also be support for a range of projects addressing fundamental issues employers face around employability, working towards the development of a cross-region skills passport to improve work readiness and essential skills, embedding this alongside vocational learning.

The projects will be delivered by a collaborative partnership of Greater Lincolnshire Further Education Providers between September 2023 and March 2025, including:

TEC Partnership, lead partner (Grimsby Institute Campus)
Bishop Burton College (Riseholme Campus)
Boston College
DN Colleges Group
Franklin 6th Form College
Grantham College
Humberside Engineering Training Association (HETA)
Inspire Education Group – Stamford College
John Leggott College
Lincoln College

Chief Executive Officer of the TEC Partnership, Ann Hardy, said., “We’re delighted to be working with business partners and education colleagues across our region to deliver much-needed, targeted investment to fill current and future skills gaps. This funding will help us provide increased skilled employment opportunities for our communities and help local businesses to remain competitive and grow in their respective sectors.”

James McIntosh, CCO, CATCH, added, “CATCH welcomes the UK Government’s commitment to enable colleges and training providers in the region to respond to collectively to meet the skills requirements in the clean growth era. As we approach 2030 and beyond programmes such as LSIF, are essential to help to overcome local skills gaps and provide local people with opportunities to gain education and skills to provide pathways to careers specific to Net Zero industries. We are looking forward to working with TEC Partnership and fellow grant partners to enhance our current capabilities across our apprenticeship provision, ensuring students learn in a live environment leveraging cutting-edge low-carbon technologies that industry will adopt in the near future, with a particular focus on Hydrogen and Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage”.

Bill Meredith, Principal and Chief Executive Bishop Burton College and Riseholme College said: “Riseholme College (a campus of Bishop Burton College) is delighted to be a partner in the Lincs LSIF and we are excited to be able to further develop our teaching expertise and student experience in augmented and virtual reality with the addition of a VR suite to our Riseholme campus. It is clear that the future workforce will need a very different set of skills from those of the past; all sectors will be looking to recruit employees with the necessary technical skills and knowledge to meet the challenges of the current industrial revolution and as a result of this collaboration we will be able to harness exciting developments such as the use of virtual reality to simulate real working environments.”

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan said the investment was aimed at boosting local industry, building people’s skills and ultimately futureproofing the economy and the career prospects of the next generation.

She said: “Our local skills projects will bring together regional organisations, businesses and education providers to respond to the specific needs of employers, building an increasingly skilled workforce. Thousands more people can now gain the skills they need to secure good jobs closer to home.”


CATCH hosted their Major Hazards Network on 2 November with over 20 delegates in person and joining online.  This was a special occasion as the group were saying goodbye to their current chair, David Hughes, and welcoming their new chair Dan Rawdin from SSE.  David chaired the first part of the meeting and welcomed our first speaker Gus Carroll, CEO & Co-Founder of Empirisys.

Gus presented an update of the COMAH Strategic Forum.  The forum seeks to drive strategic discussion on how regulators, industry, government and unions can work together to provide leadership and encourage continuous improvement in the inspection, management and control (including emergency preparedness and response) of major accident hazards across the onshore industries.  The group discussed some of the challenges facing the sector with skills shortages and hazards associated with emerging new technologies that require robust regulation.

The next speaker was Russell Page, Continuous Improvement Consultant with Haden Freeman CI.  Russell gave an engaging presentation on Process Safety Leadership and Safety Culture.  Russell outlined the typical features of a major process safety incident and what methods are available to managers and process safety leaders to address this in the workplace.  The importance of process confirmation was explored to help drive culture change.

After a break, Dan Rawdin introduced our last speaker, Oyinda Gunn, Principal Process Safety Engineer with AXIOM.  Oyinda gave a detailed overview of best practice in Consequence Modelling with great examples of how this approach can be applied to industrial situations and how sensitivity analysis can be used to focus leading factors.

David Talbot joined the meeting to present a gift and card to David Hughes and thanked him for all his years of support and advocacy for CATCH and his leadership and wisdom in running the Major Hazards Group.

The next meeting will be held on 7 March at CATCH.



CATCH was delighted to welcome Jonathan Oxley, representing the CBI, to guest chair our final CATCH Hydrogen Network event of 2023, extending a warm welcome to both our online and in-person delegates.

The session kicked off with introductions to Iain Weir from Optimat and Matthew Buckley from Wood. Together, they delivered an insightful presentation highlighting the outcomes of their collaborative study, “Supply Chains to Support a Hydrogen Economy.” Optimat, a strategic consultancy based in Scotland, shared their role as project managers for the Scottish net-zero roadmap initiative, while Wood, a global leader in consulting and engineering, showcased their extensive expertise.

Jonathan introduced Frederic Sene from Air Products, highlighting the company’s six-decade presence in the UK and their substantial 2 billion investments in European hydrogen projects. Frederic then explained the Immingham Green Hydrogen Production project, powered by renewable sources like solar and wind. This facility aims to contribute 3% to the UK Government’s 2030 hydrogen target, creating 1400 local jobs. It will cover the generation, production, processing, shipping through partner ABP, distribution, and utilisation.

Following a brief networking break over coffee, Mayowa Akinrinlola, CCUS Process Engineer from Humber Zero VPI Immingham Carbon Capture Project, provided an update on the VPI and Humber Zero initiatives. He explained the integrated nature of the Humber Zero project, aiming to decarbonise the Immingham industrial complex by combining VPI’s heat and power plant and Philipps 66 refinery. Mayowa outlined plans for retrofitting an existing large-scale plant to capture 3.2 million tons of CO2 annually, highlighting key milestones, including pre-feed completion, FEED verification, and positive developments in project financing. The timeline targets the commencement of work in 2025 and CO2 storage by 2028, with over 80 subcontractors engaged in supply chain enquiries.

Concluding the event, Jonathan introduced Danny Cowe from the Industrial Decarbonisation Research & Innovation Centre (IDRIC), who provided an update on the Humber network. Danny emphasized IDRIC’s role within the IDC, its collaborative research projects, and flexible funding options. He also highlighted the organisation’s focus on skills, EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion), and the upcoming early career research academy workshop. Danny encouraged attendees to explore IDRIC’s website for valuable resources and mentioned two upcoming events: the IDRIC conference in Manchester in March and the IDRIC Humber cluster webinar on January 31st, featuring insights from local academic cluster leads.

We extend our gratitude to all our esteemed speakers and participants for contributing to this informative and engaging event, and we look forward to further networking in 2024, with our new combined Hydrogen and Decarbonisation Network.



The Welding & Pipefitting Hub is an employer-led project to ensure that our region has the right level of skills to meet the demand not only of existing projects in the process industry sector but also to enable the UK to deliver the mega-scale engineering construction projects that industrial decarbonisation of our industry requires.

The hub has 4 main capabilities:

• Schools Engagement & STEM based activities
• Level 3 Apprenticeship training
• Upskilling existing employees in industry
• Training programmes to retrain new entrants to industry

EFAB has recruited 4 apprentices as part of the first welding & pipefitting cohort as part of their commitment to growing their team and creating career pathways for young people in industry.

CATCH Chief Operating Officer, James McIntosh, said “We were delighted when EFAB decided to sponsor the Welding & Pipefitting Hub. It is fantastic to see such commitment from industry to help us provide the best possible learning experience for welding & pipefitting apprentices in the region, which was made possible through their investment. Our industry faces a huge challenge to meet net zero and it will require employers and providers working in partnership to ensure we have the right level and number of skilled people to meet demands. I would like to thank Simon and the team at EFAB for their continued support of CATCH.”

Simon Rafferty, EFAB Industrial Solution’s Chief Executive Officer said: “CATCH is a key strategic partner of EFAB Industrial Solutions, and the work that they do with their clients, members, and learners is pivotal in ensuring the future of Engineering Construction in the UK, and in the Humber region’s preparedness to lead the drive for decarbonisation and renewable energy.

“When we learned about CATCH’s new Welding & Pipefitting Hub, we knew that their team’s, passion, commitment, and expertise would make this a valuable asset to the local industry and economy, attracting and training the skilled tradespeople of tomorrow – that’s why we had to get involved – not only as a client, and a partner, but also by making a financial commitment to this groundbreaking facility.”


In February, I received a call from Simon Jones to say I had been nominated and successfully been chosen as one of the Top 30 Under 30’s for the Hull and Humber Region.  To say I was shocked was an understatement – imposter syndrome seriously kicked in! To be recognised for this award has been quite possibly my proudest achievement to date.

I started the scheme with completely no idea of what was about to happen.  Spending the last 8 months, with a group of passionate, like-minded individuals has been a fantastic experience.  I have gained an in-depth understanding of leadership and management, including different leadership styles, coaching, and mentoring skills, how to present, not only myself but also presentations, understanding my PRINT report to recognise my unconscious motivators and be mindful of these in day-to-day life.  In addition to this, also becoming confident in front of the camera! The filming and interview practice was super nerve-wracking to begin with, however, the team at Top 30 has been great in providing advice and tips on how to improve these skills.

To be recognised as part of the Top 30 Under 30 scheme means so much to me.  It highlights and encapsulates all my achievements both personally and professionally over the years.  I started with CATCH at the age of 17, with completely no idea of where I wanted my career to go.  However, with the support and guidance from CATCH offering me opportunities to develop, fast forward 9 years down the line, I now manage my own team within a fast-paced sales environment.  My main piece of advice for those starting their careers would be to take every opportunity you are given – the world is your oyster!

Holly Goodwin, CATCH Skills Account Manager

For more information on how employers in the Hull & Humber, and Leeds and West Yorkshire regions can become involved within the Top 30 Under 30 Programme, please contact Simon Jones.

Simon Jones
07885 970461


The CATCH Membership Human Factors Network met on 28 September with a session dedicated to the topic of Knowledge Management, in particular the retention of critical knowledge in the high hazard industries.  The network is chaired by Chris Marron from Yara who welcomed Eelco Kruizinga, Senior Principal Consultant at DNV who joined the meeting to give a presentation.

Eelco described how organisations in the military, aviation, health care and consultancy sectors have benefited from implementing a rigorous process for knowledge management and capturing learning to de-risk and add value to future projects.

Organisations typically look at specific knowledge retention scenarios such as People, Asset, Project or Incident.  In the high hazard industries there are some common risks that drive the need for improved Knowledge Management including an ageing workforce, employee mobility, handover between projects, relocation of operations and downsizing.  Eelco outlined a number of useful tools to assist in knowledge retention.

After a coffee break the group discussed plans for 2024 programme including which Human Factors analysis tools and topics would be of interest to the group.

Places are still available on the next Human Factors in Incident Investigation Course @CATCH 21-22 November – booking here with Human Factors Expertise Ltd

For more information about the Human Factors Network please contact


CATCH Industrial decarbonisation network with Uniper

04th October 2023

Guest chair Guy Phillips, Uniper welcomed delegates to the sold-out CATCH Industrial Decarbonisation network and welcomed Dr Danial Sturge, Carbon Policy Manager, Energy Systems Catapult, who presented – Addressing Carbon Leakage an introduction to Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms.

Danial provided background to the reports completed in 2020, and their response to the recent Department for Energy Security and Net Zero consultation. He explained the definitions of “international competitiveness impacts” and “carbon leakage”. He showcased the mechanisms used to mitigate carbon leakage and competitiveness impacts – depending on which carbon policy is applied. He covered Carbon Standards, Carbon Pricing and Carbon Subsidies.

Danial discussed the first trial phase of CBAM  – Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – and the following equation – Imported Emissions x (effective UK carbon price – Effective incurred carbon price) = CBAM liability.

He discussed the timings and the phasing of the carbon policies – as industry needs certainty to make investment decisions. But made the point that the application of carbon leakage policy measures will vary between industrial sectors.

Next Guy introduced his colleague Damian Shevloff, Uniper, who discussed the work of their Commercial asset solutions team, and asked the question – Decarbonising our industry: is there is silver bullet?

Damian introduced Uniper and explained that their target is to become carbon neutral by 2040. He explained their 22.5GW energy sources and generation and how they are split between Hydrogen wind and solar, coal fired, gas fired, nuclear and gas sourcing.

Next, Damian discussed their new strategy, introduced over the summer – Flexible, balanced, bespoke – providing what they energy system needs, with a £8b investment. This investment will be used for Green and Flexible power and Greener Gases – including the security of supply. Uniper is active in a number of clusters, and he highlighted the Killinghome asset in the heart of the Humber Industrial Cluster.

He then provided case studies of Uniper Energy Transformation Hubs – LNG Terminal, Ammonia Import Terminal and Electrolysis – turning Wilhelmshaven into a major German green energy hub. And Green Massvlakte Energy Hub in Rotterdam port.

Damian discussed their commercial asset solutions – focusing on decarbonising their industrial customers with a sustainable energy solution. Security of supply of steam, heat and electricity, decarbonised solution and cost effective and optimal integration with onsite processes. He discussed the process of their partnership approach – providing industrial customers with “a one stop shop”.

After a short team break, Guy gave an update on Uniper’s Humber Hydrogen Hub. He explained how Uniper is active in all parts of the Hydrogen Value chain, from energy supply to the end users.

He then discussed Uniper focusing on developing large scale H2 projects – around the world. Next, focusing on the UKs hydrogen development projects, he talked about North Wales: Connahs Quay,  Humber: Killingholme and East Midlands: Ratclife. They chose these three sites because of strengths including available land, access to utilities and proximity to co2 transport and storage development.

Guy then showcased The Humber H2ub. Project is developed to pre feed stage, in partnership with Shell. The project enables 720 MW gas reforming CCS enabled hydrogen production capacity. Uniper awarded three contracts to Air Liquide, T.EN and Shell for gas reforming technologies.  Once the evaluation is complete, Uniper will be able to select the best available technologies.  Alongside that, they are working on the planning consent process.

After a series of questions, Guy handed over to David Talbot, CEO at CATCH to discuss the Humber Skills Plan – National Net Zero Training Centre.

David said that he has been speaking about the potential skills gap since the late 80’. He mentioned that we speak about the exciting net zero projects, none of these will happen unless we invest in the next generation and current workforce.  And that’s what CATCH 2.0 is about.

David said that this project is not just a CATCH project, but an industry led project. That partners have already invested time and money to complete initial feed studies for the expansion, but also committed to expanding the CATCH facilities now, so that change can happen fast.

The industry led solution is to deliver at scale, and increase new entrants to the industry by a factor of 10, to a 1000 new entrants to industry per year by 2029, providing long term sustainable employment and career pathways through the energy transition. The industry needs engineering construction trades people – mechanical fitters, welders, pipe fitters, scaffolders, platers, electrical and instrumental technicians, process operators, painters and grit blasters.

David discussed with lead industry partner, Mark Riley, Philips 66, what the engineering technician of the future will look like and what is required to get there, such as utilising technologies and AI but also looking at engagement opportunities, including schools partnerships and bus routes and accommodation.  Many stakeholders will be required to come together, that is why CATCH are building a consortium for success.

Next Guy introduced Melanie Boyeson from Children Challenging Industry, who explained how companies can make a difference and inspire children to consider STEM based careers. Melanie explained that their work not only aligns with industry but with the science curriculum.  CCI have a waiting list year on year, schools are keen for businesses to provide links to stem careers.

Guy thanked the audience and speakers and closed the meeting with a networking lunch. Save the date for the next CATCH Hydrogen Network – 16th November.


An Artists Impression of how the New CATCH National Net Zero Training Centre could look

Today, CATCH announced ambitious plans for the development of a £60M state-of-the-art training facility, to reach a training goal of 1000 apprentices a year by 2029, at its Stallingborough headquarters, with the intent of tackling the engineering construction skill shortages anticipated in the Humber cluster and across the UK.

In anticipation of a series of Net Zero projects set to commence from as early as 2024 and beyond, a significant demand for skilled labour is on the horizon. These projects are projected to generate a potential 20,000 new industrial jobs, necessitating an unprecedented, rapid upscaling of the existing skills pipelines.

Following initial funding support from key industrial sponsors, and CATCH members, Phillips 66 Limited, Harbour Energy, and VPI Power, CATCH has developed plans for the future training centre expansion needed to deliver 1000 new learners per year by 2029.   Developing towards a future final investment decision, CATCH plans to continue to build broad support across industry and government for this new national net zero training centre.

Subject to further partner engagement and planning permission, the new facility is planned to house a national net zero conference and learning centre, bespoke classrooms and workshops for electrical, instrumentation, mechanical technical skills, a welding and fabrication hub with an impressive 160 welding bays, and a UK first of kind outdoor Process Unit Training Module to enable a real process site experience in a safe environment for all trade skills. In addition, provisions cater for enhanced car parking facilities and a dedicated CATCH regional bus infrastructure to help get talented apprentices to the site from across the Lincolnshire and Yorkshire regions.

“Our phased strategy ensures a sustainable expansion of apprenticeship numbers, targeting the training of 1000 apprentices annually by 2029,” David Talbot, CATCH CEO commented, “The backbone of this initiative’s success will be the support from the industrial supply chain. Many companies understandably are waiting to assess the skills landscape before committing to expanding or creating new apprenticeship vacancies. Our proposed new facility helps to mitigate this risk, with dedicated support from the CATCH team, the industrial supply chain can be confident that together we can ensure that the skills pipeline is sustainable for the low carbon future.

“It’s a complex picture, and we realise that we cannot do this alone, we all need to pull together as a region, to solve one of the biggest challenges to deploying the net zero infrastructure.  This tabled investment represents a vital piece in the puzzle of the UK’s decarbonisation journey.

Central to CATCH’s vision is the cultivation of the next generation of skilled highly paid labour. Through their dedicated schools’ engagement team, CATCH aims to tap into the local communities, shedding light on STEM career paths and fuelling aspirations.

“Our mission is clear: to inspire and educate the industry’s future craftspeople. The UK’s path to net zero starts with today’s youth, and we’re here to ensure they have the resources, skills, and opportunities to lead the way” concluded David.

Paul Fursey, Lead Executive UK and Humber Refinery General Manager said:

“To build the infrastructure required to deliver net zero for the UK, we need to invest in creating the skilled workforce of tomorrow. CATCH’s new Net Zero Training Centre will become a hub of excellence, demonstrating how the UK can increase the knowledge and skills needed to deliver the net zero targets. Through support from Phillips 66 Limited and our fellow delivery sponsors, Harbour Energy and VPI, local industry support, and local schools and colleges, we believe we can make a powerful difference to inspire the next generation of welders, pipefitters, mechanical fitters, platers, scaffolders and much more.”

Viking CCS Project Director Graeme Davies said:

“Viking CCS is crucial to unlocking net zero in the UK and helping to decarbonise industries in the Humber, however we need thousands of skilled workers to build the infrastructure to deliver it. This is a huge opportunity for the Humber and North Lincolnshire to be at the epicentre of an enduring green jobs revolution.”

Jonathan Briggs, VPI Humber Zero Project Director said:

“Delivering a decarbonised Humber and enabling the energy transition to facilitate this means pre-investing in the workforce of the future. The Net Zero Training Centre at CATCH will support the creation of the Humber’s new workforce, safeguard the competitiveness of the Humber’s industrial base, and support leading projects such as Humber Zero and Viking CCS”.

Julian Free, University of Lincoln Deputy Vice Chancellor said:

“This significant expansion of CATCH facilities to train the skilled people the Humber needs to decarbonise is a critical step in achieving Net Zero by 2050.  If the Humber’s emissions are not radically reduced, and quickly, the UK will miss the target.  The development of CATCH working with industry presents a fantastic opportunity for those of us living in the region to play a major part in the UK’s future success and to build a strong and prosperous region with long-term opportunities for all”

To keep informed about this project – register your details here.


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