Environmental Managers Conference write up

The Humber Environmental Managers Conference was held at CATCH on 5th June as part of Humber BizWeek. Martin Jones, the group’s chairman from Yara, welcomed over 50 delegates, in person and via Teams, drawn from the CATCH network and guests. Matthew Sanders, Senior Ecologist from Arup introduced Biodiversity Net Gain providing an overview of the requirements under the Environment Act, how BNG is measured, high-level summary of how the metric works, implications for development. Matthew then shared valuable experience from current projects, challenges faced such as trading rules, irreplaceable habitats, competing site demands, value of delivering nature for local communities and how partnership working can help. Matthew took questions.
After a short break, Tammy Smalley, Head of Conservation at Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, gave an update on Green Investment in Greater Lincolnshire and explored how the volume of new projects proposed in the region, including National Significant Infrastructure Projects, offer an opportunity to collaborate and improve on biodiversity impacts collectively. GIGL offers a streamlined approach to meeting BNG obligations with a team of skilled experts, contact gigl@lincstrust.co.uk.
Next up, Andrew Taylor, Natural Environment Policy Specialist, North Lincolnshire Council gave a presentation on Humber Forest & creating woodland at industrial sites. The ambition to plant 250,000 trees in North Lincolnshire can be tracked on the website https://www.northlincs.gov.uk/planning-and-environment/trees-and-hedges/
CATCH would like to thank Humber Nature Partnership and Humber BizWeek for their support over many years for this annual conference.
For more information about CATCH network groups and how to become a member please contact katie.hedges@catchuk.org
For more information about Humber Nature Partnership please get in touch with jackson.sage@humbernature.co.uk