Lisa Buck, Author at - Page 23 of 24


The Concom team are finishing off the final preparations for the annual Catch up With Competency event on 8th October 2019.  Key client members from the Humber Bank region and many of the Concom contractor members from across the country will be attending again.  This year they will be hearing from key industry players such as the Chair of CATCH, an HSE Inspector and the ECITB.  We will also hear from the Concom Apprentice of the Year 2019 and the Concom Chair regarding the successes of the  Concom Scheme and the way forward.  Attendance is free for Concom contractor members and each can have up to two tickets.  Please let Jane know if you are interested in attending on

CUWC flyer October 2019


CATCH, the multi million pound centre of excellence for the process, renewable, engineering and energy sectors is celebrating 20 years of the company’s founding organisation, the membership cluster –  Humber Chemical Focus Ltd.

The cluster, established in 1999, was a spin out from North East Lincolnshire Council to support economic development and inward investment priorities. The local authorities research with support from the Department of International Trade, indicated that supply chain, contractor capability and skills were the primary areas for improvement in the Humber chemical and allied process industries. Thus, Humber Chemical Focus Ltd was born.

Employing 2.5 people, with the support of 5 industry directors and 2 public sector partners, HCF drew on matched funding from the European Regional Development Fund and combined with the sector research grew and established a strong, sustainable membership base, which continues to grow today.

Now, the CATCH facility, which was opened in 2006, arising from a partnership between HCF and the Humber Client Contractor Training Association plus investment from Yorkshire Forward has grown to employ 25 people and has an influential board of 16 directors which supports companies throughout Yorkshire and Humber and beyond.

Katie Hedges, Head of Membership at CATCH, and a founding staff member, said, “We are often asked what makes CATCH membership special, it’s the coming together of likeminded industry professionals to share experiences and learn about what’s important to them. This is done, mostly, via our popular long standing networks such as Environmental Managers and Engineering Managers and Human Factors networks. Picking up tips and being able to implement changes and ideas on site are one of the major benefits of attending.

Katie Continued –  It is amazing to look back over our 20 year history and see all the instrumental things the industry has achieved working together with the public sector stakeholders and the pivotal role CATCH has played.  The next big challenge facing our Cluster is decarbonisation and we expect to announce another collaboration in this area very soon. Just think what we can achieve together in the next 20 years!!”.

And CATCH continues to grow, CATCH is also home to CATCH Skills, CATCH Technical and ConCom – a multi service, thriving community of industry members, contractors and training providers working together to meet the needs of industry and future leaders.


Industry impressed by unifying project that could put the Humber ahead of the world

Big business has welcomed the call to action to bring a zero carbon economy to the Humber by 2040.

A major bid launched on Monday to gain the backing of government – and first the energy intensive community it could serve – with transformative solutions for a region with the highest emissions in the UK laid out.

About 40 delegates were briefed on the feasibility work conducted so far by joint venture partners in the anchor project featuring carbon capture, use and storage as well as hydrogen production.

Drax Group, Equinor and National Grid Ventures are spearheading it, working with Humber Local Enterprise Partnership and the regional process industry representative body Catch, as it looks to provide a pipeline others can feed into along both banks of the Humber, out to depleted oil and gas caverns beneath the North Sea.

Read more


Date: 25 September 2019
Times: 10.00 − 14.00
Venue: Executive suite CATCH Conference building

In joint partnership between the Energy Institute and CATCH, the Clean Growth Conference will be focusing on clean growth and will cover topics from the low carbon strategy for the Humber branch, to case studies in decarbonisation and a session from the Energy Institute on HSE in the Offshore Wind Sector.
We are delighted to welcome EI and CATCH Members and wider national/regional stakeholders.
The coffee and lunch break provide an excellent opportunity for networking

We hope you will be able to join us.
To register, visit

Conference agenda:
10:00 Welcome and Introduction – (Dave Talbot, CEO CATCH and Chair of the Humber Branch of the EI)
10:10 Humber Local Industrial Strategy (Richard Kendall, Humber LEP)
10:40 Humber Clean Growth strategy (TBC)
11:10 Coffee and networking
11:30 Good for the planet, good for profit (Adrian Howe Chartwell Consulting)
12:00 Nordic Heat – the Smart City Alliance (Peter Anderberg/Mark Woodward, Nordic Heat – Smart City Alliance)
12:30 HSE and Offshore Wind (Beate Hildenbrand, Energy Institute)
13:00 Questions
13:15 Lunch and networking

For more information please visit the EI webiste at or contact

Jasmine Greenhalgh at


Marine training giant Maersk believes its emerging Humber facility has the potential to become a centre of training excellence for offshore wind.

The Danish giant has followed fellow national exports from oil and gas into renewable energy, and has arrived on the South Humber Bank as the sector hits critical mass.

It has replaced AIS at Catch in Stallingborough, with plans to significantly expand on the facilities there, building on a presence in Newcastle and Aberdeen.

John Abate, UK managing director, said: “I genuinely believe the location of the Humber, with all the investment, means there is no reason why we cannot be a main facility.

Training up: Maersk will help people gain the qualifications to enter the burgeoning offshore wind industry.
Training up: Maersk will help people gain the qualifications to enter the burgeoning offshore wind industry.

“We can set up a wind training institute of excellence here. The facilities lend themselves to it, the area lends itself to it, and we are keen to work with local companies. We are not ‘big Maersk coming in to dominate’. We do lots to support good causes and other operations.”

Already welcomed by Orsted as its main provider of offshore safety training, it is leading the green energy charge from Grimsby, with Hornsea One emerging as the world’s largest offshore wind farm.

Hornsea Two will follow, and potentially two more phases , building on more than 2GW already installed. Innogy, with Triton Knoll, has also committed to Royal Dock with works underway on the base .

Mr Abate, who has been with Maersk for five years, said: “We have been looking to come into the area for some time, then to come to Catch has been a really good opportunity.

Maersk's Newcastle facility.
Maersk’s Newcastle facility. (Image: Newcastle Chronicle)

“It is an amazing opportunity in fact, from the point of view when going to a new area, you don’t want to commit too much capital until you know how it will operate and what it is like.

“To have serviced offices and all the infrastructure is brilliant.”

It will deliver all five modules of the GWO Basic Safety Training (BST), GWO Basic Technical Training (BTT), GWO Enhanced First Aid and GWO Blade Repair with GWO Advanced Rescue Training to follow.

Several other courses will also be offered, with potential to expand further both in and allied to renewables.

The Catch facility at Stallingborough, with the now built Hughes Building as an artist's impression.
The Catch facility at Stallingborough, with the now built Hughes Building as an artist’s impression. (Image: Grimsby Telegraph)

“When we announced our arrival in April our desire was to use the summer period – which is quieter because technicians are out there working – to fit out,” Mr Abate said. “We have run a couple of courses to demonstrate it is easily deliverable. We see this area as twice the size of Aberdeen for renewables. We had Newcastle, but started in Aberdeen two years ago, and that is growing at a rate of 100 per cent, with seven courses a month, at a maximum of 12 delegates per course.

“We know how busy it is here, looking at the size of the market , the wind farms, everything is three or four times the size.  I would be disappointed if we don’t have the same number of courses in Aberdeen. We have the business-to-business connections, and we feel we have demonstrated we can do it.”

The sea survival element of a course is to be delivered with Hota at Hull, where a dedicated pool and rig to simulate a submerging helicopter is well established.

On site at the Kiln Lane beacon training facility, and the workshop is going to be partitioned and vented to manage blade repair, with the hub – a large-scale build to emulate a nacelle – also arriving shortly.

A mobile solution spread over six containers has been used, but is described as a “smaller format training facility” to what will be a permanent addition.

Between 10 and 15 jobs will have been created when fully up and running, with a team of 20 specialist contractors also in place to call upon. “We use them regularly and it would be nice to build up expertise here as well,” Mr Abate said.

Newcastle was established 15 years ago, with renewables approaching a first decade of delivery, with the location close to the Blyth tes site.

“That was a first of its kind, but we see more than we can do here in renewables and outside.   We are mindful of what other people do on site, but I don’t see that much overlap. We have connections through oil and gas processing, and we see links into crisis management and emergency response training, bringing that into renewables. There are human factors too, crew resources – people skills training – all about getting more out of a team, and how you interact under pressure.”

David Laister, business editor – Business Live


A practical conference to explore through life development in the chemical & process industries.

Date: 10th October 2019
Time: 9:30 – 15:30
Lunch and refreshments are included
Venue: The University of Bradford
Cost: Free

To book your free place simply complete the form below:

** SOLD OUT** Please complete the form only to be added to the waiting list.

    This unique event is led by our employer networks, who will share best practice and case studies with you.

    Attend to gain insight into:
    Employer schools engagement programme
    Higher education programmes for industry
    Employee up-skilling for technicians and operators
    Apprenticeship programmes available for chemical industry and supply chain

    09:30 Registration
    10:30 Welcome – David Talbot, CEO CATCH
    10:45 Keynote: Employment and Skills Board, Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
    11:15 Engaging Young People – NuGeneration Team, Nufarm
    11:40 Working with Industry- Alex Burnham, Principal, UTC Leeds
    12:00 Apprentice Journey – Ian Nunn, Syngenta
    12:30 Lunch, networking
    13:30 Industrial relations with the University – Tom Swift, The University of Bradford
    13:45 Working with the University of Bradford
    14:00 Apprenticeships and upskilling programmes for the Chemical industry – James McIntosh, CATCH Skills
    14:30 Q&A panel – All speakers
    15:30 Close

    This event is sponsored by:


    Santander and the global legal practice Squire Patton Boggs invite you to our roundtable event to discuss “What next for the Chemicals Sector?”. The event will cover taking advantage of opportunities in the Indian market, how businesses can address the growing skills shortages in the sector, as well as discussing other key issues for the industry, including; regulatory requirements/ REACH, international trade and joint ventures.

    We will also be joined by representatives from the Chemical Industries Association (CIA), Department for International Trade (DIT), Invest India, the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP), Make UK and Sannam S4.

    o Time 16:00-18:00
    o Date Wed 3 Jul 2019
    o Venue Squire Patton Boggs, 6 Wellington Place, Leeds, LS1 4AP

    Why India?
    Once seen as a competitor to Western companies, India is now a growing net importer of chemicals and also increasingly becoming a part of the global supply chain. India is rapidly outpacing China as the world’s fastest growing major economy and its specialty Chemicals market has witnessed an annual growth rate of 14% over the last five years alone. Further, India’s imports of chemicals has now reached in excess of 38bn USD – with a market forecast of 90bn USD by 2023. Key opportunities have therefore opened up within its fastest growing sectors, including; Automotive, Personal care and Cosmetics & fragrances, Construction and specialised water treatments.

    Following India’s recent national elections – the largest democratic exercise in the world – the incumbent government has been assigned with a decisive mandate to accelerate the pace of growth and reform.  Our India experts will be on-hand to share insights; on key trends, best practices, challenges faced by businesses when entering the Indian market and the opportunities on offer in return.

    The Skills Challenge
    The Chemicals sector is currently facing a variety of skills and recruitment challenges. These challenges include recruiting qualified personnel, apprenticeships and training and development. However, in 2018, our Santander Universities programme supported over 2,000 industry placements.

    We will share how your business can access the scheme with potential benefits for employer and student.
    Invest India will provide an overview on the availability of diverse skills and talent pools India has to offer.
    We will also be discussing the challenges ahead, sharing ideas and seeking answers on how companies can attract staff, and address the need to develop the necessary skills to support the UK sector’s future.

    To register please contact –


    The CATCH annual awards dinner, celebrated the process industries successes in a glittering awards ceremony at the Mercure Hotel, Hull.

    Focusing on Skills and Young People, the dinner saw nine awards presented by Andrew Pilling, Director of E3 Recruitment, following a surge of entries in the previous months.

    Connor Watson, Mechanical Apprentice at Philips 66, took home the coveted ConCom Apprentice of the year award, Connor attitude and enthusiasm along with a will to succeed ensures that he will be a very successful engineer in the years to come.  It was a close competition – runners up, Kieran Sembiante from Jacobs Field Services and Michael Avis from TOTAL Lindsay Oil Refinery came close second.

    The People awards, also focused on the next generation. Natasha Greenbury, project planner and cost engineer, secured the Young Achiever Award. Natasha competed her Advanced apprenticeship in project controls and successfully developed her career along the path of project management.  Contenders Eweline Choma, Customer services coordinator and Paulina Kozielska, regulatory manager, both from Orean Personal Care, were strong runners up.

    The Skills Project of the year award went to the Nufarm NuGeneration Team. A new initiative that was set up to actively engage the local community.  A cross-functional working group led by young members of the company work with Worthington Primary School to build positive associations with industry.

    The Humber Waste Alliance, celebrated obtaining the Best Partnership Award.  The Alliance actively involves several organisations across the North Humber Bank, to reduce waste to prevent marine litter polluting the Humber.

    The Final award – Outstanding Leader – recognised Marc Doyle, Principal & CEO, Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire.  Marc led the UTC in implementing incredible improvements in engineering provision for the local community and created an incredible culture of unconditional positive regard.

    The evening progressed with a final passionate speech by Brendan Conlan, Chair of CATCH, who will be stepping down from his chairmanship in 2019.  Brendan engaged the audience by inviting representatives of industry onto the stage, from teachers and apprentices to the UTC and employers, creating a visual pathway of how industry needs to step up and encourage, show and work with local primary and secondary schools to showcase industry in the Yorkshire and Humber.

    David Talbot, CEO of CATCH said “We would like to thank all our Sponsors, award finalists, guests and colleagues for helping to make the event the premier industry dinner for the process industries in the Yorkshire & Humber Region”

    On Line Group were the main sponsor of the evening, along with E3 Recruitment who sponsored the awards ceremony.

    A selection of images taken by Michael – David Lee Photography are below (click the arrows to view)

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    Over 300 guests from the process, renewable, engineering and energy industries are now registered to attend the CATCH / YCF Annual Awards Dinner on the 9th May 2019.  The event, the first that the two organisations have held together, since their merger in 2018, is shaping up to be the premier industry dinner for the Yorkshire and Humber regions.

    The Awards, sponsored by E3 Recruitment, which are now closed to enter, will celebrate the areas high achievers, with presentations for the Young Person of the Year Award and Best Partnership of the year Award.  Katie Hedges, Head of membership at CATCH said, “The YCF People Awards perfectly complement the CATCH ConCom Apprentice of the Year awards, we have attracted many entries throughout the supply chain, and we are looking forward to announcing and celebrating with this year’s winners and runner ups on the 9th May”.

    The attendees, including main dinner sponsors On Line Group, will listen to Fay Banks, share her incredible journey. Fay is the IET UK Young Woman of the Year 2004 and has won a number of additional prestigious awards, including the Achievement of the Year Award, by the Open University, The English Women’s Awards for services to science and the Higher Education National Gold award, as well as being named one of the top 50 Female Engineers by the Telegraph newspaper.

    There are limited tickets available, to book please download our booking form here  or contact Lisa for further information –



    We are now part of the distribution channel for the EU Exit: Business Intelligence and Engagement Team at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.  They send out a weekly bulletin to trade associations, membership organisations and intermediaries in order for them to share relevant points with members.  Here are the main points and associated links – we will update as and when we receive new information from the team:

    Workforce & People
    Last Thursday, 7th March, the EU Exit Business Readiness Forum looked at issues relating to Workforce & People. The slides from the event are here.  The summary of the key questions raised at the Forum along with answers are being finalised and will be circulated with next week’s bulletin.

    FCO updated guidance on EU Exit information for UK nationals if there’s no deal: EU Exit Information for UK Nationals if there is No Deal

    HO updated guidance on using the ‘EU Exit: ID Document Check’ app: Using the EU Exit ID Document Check App

    HO updated guidance on the EU Settlement Scheme, ID document scanner locations: EU Settlement Scheme ID Document Scanner Locations

    Tools & Resources
    Providing services to EEA and EFTA countries after EU Exit – Guidance for UK businesses on EU service provision if the UK leaves the EU with no deal.
    If the UK leaves the EU on 29 March 2019 with no deal, UK businesses will no longer operate under European Economic Area (EEA) regulations for the cross-border trade of services. NEW – Several additional country guides were published this week that contain information and links to help businesses navigate the third country regulations in each country. The updated list is here: Providing Services to EEA and EFTA Countries after EU Exit

    Importing and Exporting:

    UK import tariffs in a no-deal scenario  – The Government has today published details of the UK’s temporary tariff regime for no deal, designed to minimise costs to business and consumers while protecting vulnerable industries. The regime would be temporary, and the Government would closely monitor the effects of the tariffs on the UK economy. It would apply for up to 12 months, while a full consultation and review on a permanent approach to tariffs is undertaken. Businesses would not pay customs duties on the majority of goods when importing in to the UK if we leave the EU without an agreement. MFN tariffs will remain in place for all products that have a trade remedy in place and are due to be transitioned over in the case of a no deal Exit (58 HS lines). Further detail can be found here

    Customs arrangements on the Irish border – In a no-deal scenario, the UK Government would temporarily hold off introducing any checks or controls on almost all goods crossing from Ireland to Northern Ireland, so there will be no need for customs declarations, nor the payment of duty.  The exceptions are:

    • Businesses would still need to pay VAT and Excise on Irish goods that come into Northern Ireland and the UK.
    • Small businesses trading across the border and not currently VAT registered would be able to report VAT online periodically without any new processes at the border.  This would not involve any infrastructure or checks at the border including in Northern Ireland.
    • New requirements would have to be put in place include hazardous chemicals covered by the PIC regulation (see new guidance immediately below), ozone-depleting gases and f-gases – for each of these, checks will not take place at the border but electronic notifications will be required before bringing goods from Ireland to the UK, including Northern Ireland.

    DfT updated guidance on the allocation of ECMT haulage permits: guidance for hauliers:  Allocation of ECMT Haulage Permits

    DfT updated guidance to prepare to drive in the EU after Brexit for lorry and goods vehicle drivers: Prepare to Drive in the EU after Brexit Lorry and Goods Vehicle Drivers

    DfT updated guidance on international road haulage operator licences and permits: International Authorisations and Permits for Road Haulage

    NEW DfT published French customs guidance after Brexit: French Customs Guidance after Brexit

    Guidance from French customs authorities for UK businesses in the event of a no deal Brexit The French Customs and Excise authority has published customs guidance to help businesses that move goods between the UK and France to prepare for new customs procedures in the event of a no-deal Brexit. In practical terms, this means border controls will resume and the free movement of capital, goods, services and people (workers, students and travellers) will cease.  In order to benefit from the automated border crossing from 30 March, you must prepare your customs declarations before checking-in your goods at the ports of Calais, Dunkirk or at the Channel Tunnel.  This can be done through UK or French computer systems.  The barcode provided by the French authorities following receipt of a customs declaration will allow your goods to cross the border as smoothly as possible.   

    NEW DIT published guidance on exporting controlled goods after EU Exit: Exporting Controlled Goods after EU Exit

    DVSA updated guidance on ECMT international road haulage permits: ECMT International Road Haulage Permits

    NEW HMRC published guidance on accounting for import VAT: Accounting for Import VAT

    NEW HMRC published letters on no deal Brexit advice for businesses trading with the EU and/or the rest of the world: Letters on No Deal Brexit Advice for Businesses Trading with the EU and or the Rest of the World

    HMRC updated guidance on notices made under The Customs (Export)(EU Exit) Regulations 2019: Notices made under the Customs Export EU Exit Regulations 2019

    NEW HMRC published guidance on changes to your customs authorisations if the UK leaves the EU without a deal: Changes to Customs Authorisations if the UK Leaves the EU Without a Deal

    HMRC updated guidance on how to get a UK EORI number to trade within the EU: Get a UK EORI Number to Trade Within the EU

    How to obtain an EORI number If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, UK businesses looking to import or export goods with the EU will need to apply here for a UK Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number.  This is a twelve-digit number that starts with the prefix GB.  If you already have an EU EORI number that starts with a different country prefix, you do not need to register for a UK EORI number yet as HMRC will continue to recognise your EU EORI number for a temporary period.  You can contact HMRC’s EORI team on 0300 322 7067 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm).  

    HMRC updated guidance on Statutory Instruments relating to Customs, Excise and VAT and the UK’s withdrawal from the EU: SIs Relating to EU Exit

    NEW HMRC published guidance on draft notices to be made in relation to the amendments brought in by The Taxation (Cross-border Trade) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019: Draft Notices to be made in Relation to Taxation Cross Border Trade EU Exit Regulation

    Regulation and Standards

    MHRA updated guidance and publications about the regulation of medicines and medical devices in a possible no deal scenario: MHRA Guidance and Publications on a Possible No Deal Scenario

    Intellectual Property

    IPO updated guidance on IP and Brexit: IP and Brexit the Facts


    You can sign up to receive email alerts about Brexit on Gov.UK: Brexit E-mail Alerts

    Triage Tool has an online tool to help businesses prepare for the UK leaving the EU. Businesses can use the Triage Tool to find out:

    • what their business may need to do to prepare for the UK leaving the EU
    • what’s changing in their sector
    • information on specific rules and regulations

    Businesses will need to answer 7 simple questions to get guidance relevant to their business.

    BEIS Sector Primers

    New Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Guidance  New PIC (Prior Informed Consent) guidance has been issued relating to exports to the EU. If you are intending to export a PIC listed chemical between 30th March and 3rd May, you are advised to contact to request a UK PIC export notification form.  These are similar to the forms that are used under EU PIC. Please include the following in the subject line of your email: ‘UK PIC – 35-day transitional period – notification’.    

    ECHA has published some similar guidance for EU27 companies intending to export PIC chemicals to the UK after exit: 

    DEFRA Sector Primers

    Preparing for Brexit Webinars – The British Library is hosting a series of webinars on various topics to help businesses prepare in the event of leaving the EU on Friday 29 March without a deal.  If you wish to register to join, please click the link and follow the instructions.


    Follow Our Activity

    Follow CATCH through our various social media channels, we are constantly updating these with exciting information

    We have made the commitment – have you?
