Write up – Environmental Network – June 23


CATCH hosted the Environmental Managers Network meeting on Wednesday 7 June.  Martin Jones, HESQ Manager at Yara UK, and the groups chair, welcomed 20 in person delegates and 20 online participants to the meeting.  Introductions were made.

Martin introduced the first speakers from the Environment Agency, Kathryn Richardson, Environment Manager for East Yorkshire and Matt Woollin, Technical Specialist in the Installations Team for North & East Yorkshire, who gave an update on the Environmental Constraints project.  Kathryn thanked the group for their support and input into the project, which is key to supporting consistent and applicable regulation for emerging net zero technologies.  Matt was joined by Tom Glyn-Jones, Senior Advisor (Decarbonisation & Net Zero) Climate Change & Energy Programme at the EA to describe some of the key findings in the water constraints study, including the likelihood of developers needing to consider water sources beyond access to ground and surface water supplies.  Consideration is being given to large inter-regional water transfers and further clarity on the demand side will improve timely delivery of appropriate solutions.  Kathryn, Tom & Matt took questions.

The next input was a great presentation from Colin Robinson, Business Manager UK & Ireland at Evides which covered an interesting water case study from the Netherlands.  Colin outlined how water constraints and increasing industrial and commercial demand in Eemshaven has seen a project developed to supply water from Groningen – 28km away.  The project delivers 500m3/hr of demin water from a water reclamation plant which is supplied via pipeline.  Users in Eemshaven included cooling for a large data centre.  Colin commented that many developers and new users of water are focused on sustainability and taking a longer-term view when planning water use/re-use and lowering liquid emissions.  Colin took questions.

The final presentation was given by Rob Barker, Industrial Customer Manager and Oli Shelley, Head of Operations at Wave who provided detail on the drivers to reduce water use and the expectations that non household water demand will be managed and ultimately reduced against a backdrop of increasing demand across all sectors and for industrial decarbonisation projects.  A 9% demand reduction target has been established through The Environment Act 2021 for non-household water users from the potable water supply.  This signals a change in approach as water companies will need to manage demand through providing assistance to industrial customers to measure and reduce leakage, reduce process losses and maximise re-use.  Completion of a number of site-based water balance calculations could lead to a region wide water balance to provide evidence and ensure longer term plans are going to be effective.  Rob and Oli took questions.

Darren Clark from Humber Nature Partnership gave an update, highlighting how sites are understanding and delivering Biodiversity net gain targets.  The Green Investment in Greater Lincolnshire project, led by Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, will see a local market for biodiversity credits established in Greater Lincolnshire.  The supply side is being developed and the next step is to understand what developers are looking for and what they will pay.  Darren added that several Local Nature Recovery Strategies are in development, one will cover the Humber to the Wash and the north bank area is covering Hull and East Riding.  A strong community driven approach is expected.

Andrew Gadd, Circular Economy Coordinator – Yorkshire & the Humber, provided an update on an Industrial symbiosis workshop held in Goole in April.  The event explored reducing raw materials demand and finding alternative uses for waste streams.  The participants learned more about the potential approach of using procurement as a lever to deliver improved circular economy impact and sustainability performance in contracts.

The next Environmental Managers Network will be held on Weds 25 October.

The Environmental Managers Network is held 3 times per year and is open to core CATCH members and members Humber Nature Partnership for more information please contact katie.hedges@catchuk.org

Lisa Buck


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