Report on the Humber Fire & Security Network who met on 18 May in person at CATCH and via Teams.

The group is attended by CATCH member companies drawn from site and asset protection and fire and security personnel and from Humberside Fire & Rescue Service and Police Counter Terrorism Services.
At this meeting Anthony Jackson from CTSA gave an update on current security threats to the sector and our region. Recent activity in some industrial cluster by the action group Just Stop Oil has seen disruption targeting oil and gas installations under the ‘disobey the dock’ and ‘stop fossil fuels’ campaigns. The group are currently less active in the Humber region.
Steve Hellewell gave an update from HFRS. New foam monitors are being procured for Immingham with 10,000 litres/minute capacity, complimenting foam stocks already situated at the station. The service recently donated 1500 fire kits to Ukraine.
Katie and Steve reminded the group that HFR Solutions are offering a free fire protection audit for sites (audit attached) please contact Katie if you want to take up this offer.
Tony gave an introduction to a hostile reconnaissance video that has been developed to assist sites. The video can be accessed here
Please get in touch with Tony for more information and to book a hostile reconnaissance session at your site.
Katie reminded the group to visit to review the COMAH communications information for their site. Please update Katie with any details that are out of date.
The next meeting will be held in November (date TBC)– please contact Katie with any requests for future topics.