Consultation – Humber Industrial Strategy – deadline 31 July

The Humber LEP is working with partners on a new plan the region – a Humber Industrial Strategy. This will build on our established strengths and the momentum that our region has started, and also look to new opportunities we have open to us.
The strategy was launched on 5 June 2019. The LEP are now working with Government to accelerate the completion of our industrial strategy by the end of September 2019.
You can also contact us to feed in your views and evidence, including responding to the consultation on our prospectus.
The LEP are inviting comments from businesses, individuals and other organisations on the proposed priorities until 31 July. Consultation questions and details of how to respond are included in the full version of the prospectus above. A survey will be published here shortly, but in the meantime you can contact us directly with your comments on the consultation questions:
1. Have we identified the right focus for the Humber industrial strategy?
2. Is decarbonisation the Humber’s biggest challenge and opportunity?
3. What is the most important thing our industrial strategy should focus upon?
4. Are the sectors outlined in the prospectus the ones that will drive our future prosperity, and have we
correctly identified their strengths and opportunities?
5. Do you agree that we should focus our industrial strategy on the key sectors that differentiate the
Humber from other places?
6. Are the Humber’s economic challenges and opportunities clear? Have we missed anything?
7. What assets or capabilities do you think are important to the Humber’s economic competitiveness?
8. How can we ensure all residents can access opportunities?
9. What support do you think is needed to grow the Humber economy?
10. How could we increase innovation in the Humber?
11. What practical steps are required to better support businesses in the Humber?
12. How could you, or your organisation, contribute to delivering an ambitious Humber industrial
13. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the development of the Humber industrial
You can also view the evidence base that supports the prospectus.