CATCH Skills – Approved Training Provider for ECITB MJI18, 19 & 20

**NEW Training Course Announcement**
CATCH Skills are excited to announce that ECITB have just approved delivery of MJI18,19 & 20 at our Stallingborough site!
What is MJI18 and MJ19?
- Hydraulic Tensioning Connection and Equipment Techniques (MJI18)
- Hydraulic Torque Bolted Connection Equipment and Techniques (MJI19)
- Hydraulically Torque Clamp Connectors (MJI20)
Are there any pre-requisites?
MJI18 requires no pre-requisites.
To attend a MJI19 course you will have to provide a valid MJI10 or TMJI10 certificate.
What will be included in the individual courses?
- Prepare work areas and equipment for the assembly and tightening of bolted connections using hydraulic tensioning equipment
- Assemble bolted connections and tighten bolts using hydraulic tensioning equipment • Check integrity of assembled bolted connections
- Reinstate the work area after the assembly and tightening of bolted connections using hydraulic tensioning
MJI19 (incl. MJI20):
- Prepare work area, materials and equipment for the assembly and tightening of bolted connections using hydraulic torque equipment
- Check integrity of assembled bolted connections
- Reinstate the work area after the assembly and tightening of bolted connections using hydraulic torque equipment.
What Technical Tests will be on offer?
- TMJI18
- TMJI19
- TMJI20
What packages are on offer?
MJI10,18 & 19
MJI10 & 19
TMJI10,11,18,19 & 20
Contact us
For more information on the courses, to book your place or to enquire about course dates please contact the team.
T: 01469 552852