Lisa Buck, Author at - Page 19 of 24



We had a chat with the chair of our Humber Environmental Managers Network Chair Tony Edwards:

Please tell us a little about yourself:
I am an environmental manager who has worked in Yorkshire and Humber since the mid-1970s. I started off in pollution control and in tome became a senior regional manager for the Environment Agency (EA) with also responsibilities for water resources and flood risk management. My final post in the Agency, before taking early retirement, was Humber Strategies Manager. I then worked part time for the Humber Industry Nature Conservation Association (INCA), which became the Humber Nature Partnership (HNP) in 2013. Although not now an employee of HNP, I am one of its directors and was its chair from 2014 to 2019.

Since leaving the Environment Agency I have also been a part-time lecturer in the Institute for Chemistry in Industry, University of Hull contributing to NEBOSH Environmental Certificate and Diploma courses, and giving the Environmental Sustainability module for the University’s BSc in Health Safety and the Environment.

I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management, have a BSc in Geography from King’s College University of London and a PhD in Environmental Science from the University of East Anglia.

For those that have not heard of the Environmental Managers’ Network, please tell us about the network and its objectives:
The purpose is to consider the development and application of legislation, and related matters affecting companies in the Humber environs. The topics we cover include natural capital, environmental management systems, air and water pollution, waste management/waste minimisation, contaminated land, flood risks, biodiversity and climate change.

We meet 3 times a year for the discussion of presentations from the environmental regulators, invited speakers, including from consultancies, and members of the network. One meeting is in the form of a half-day conference.

Why did you decide to become the chair of this network?
I first got involved in the Network representing the former Humber INCA, which was one of the Network’s members. I then had my arm twisted to be its Chair! HNP supports CATCH in the running of the Network. I have long been involved in working with business to achieve practical outcomes, which benefit both the environment and companies, including their bottom line, for example on waste minimisation. It is my contention that good environmental practice is good business practice benefiting people, wildlife and business.

HNP is one of 47 local nature partnerships in England, with members principally interested in the Humber Estuary. Membership includes local authorities, EA and Natural England, industries and environmental NGOs. Our mission is, “Industry and nature in harmony in one of Europe’s great estuaries”. We are much concerned with the habitats regulation, river basin management, flooding and the practical enhancement of biodiversity on industrial sites. A number of the companies that attend HEMN are also members of HNP.

 What is the networks biggest achievement(s) so far?
Probably our annual conferences which each have four to six by leading speakers in their field providing information, future speculation and stimulating debate. Subjects recently include Climate Change, the UK’s 25 Year Environment Plan, Wildlife on Humber Industrial Sites, Environmental Impact Assessment and Air Quality Management. This year’s conference on Low Carbon Humber has had to be postponed.

What type of companies attend the network?
The Network brings together managers from some of the larger companies in the Humber region, particularly from the energy, chemicals and steel industries, along with some of their supply change and professional advisers including on environmental law, the Environment Agency, Humber Nature Partnership and some local authority officers.

 Why should companies get involved?
The practical implications for companies in the area of environmental developments are described and discussed. On some topics this can help companies in making their response to formal consultations. There are regular updates by the Environment Agency on the long term flood risk management strategy for the estuary, which includes the considerable threat to people and property from rising sea left and other climate change impacts. Attendees also exchange information on opportunities and difficulties they encounter, and make contacts for gaining mutual support

What are the most common challenges companies face at the moment and how does attending this network help?
The challenges include new or amendment of environmental legislation, climate change, flood risk and exploiting the opportunities for benefiting wildlife and the community. The Network considers such matters in a practical manner relevant to the Humber situation. Network members also get invites to HNP meetings and its annual conferences.

For further information on the network, please contact


CATCH Technical would like to present the next Webinar on Tuesday 19th May at 11am. It will be presented by CATCH Technical Consultant, Rachael Cowin –  ‘Project Stakeholders – Maximising their contribution to benefit projects, the organisation, and individuals’ All attendees also receive a free half hour telephone consultation, to discuss how any of the ideas can be implemented in your business. To register please email


Was one of the key messages introduced at today’s safety culture webinar with CATCH Technical Services,

The Hearts and Minds Tool Kit was delivered by Catch Technical Consultant, Lorraine Braben, to over 30 industry participants, interested in improving the safety culture in their own organisations. The tool kit enables companies to plan a bespoke well-structured programme, which in turn can help with their organisations HSE strategy.

The Hearts and Minds tool kit, developed by the Energy Institute, can be delivered by non-experts enabling people to identify their own challenges and create their own solutions – this isn’t an off the shelf solution, but a programme that is fully customisable by each team.

Jill Mooney, Head of CATCH Technical said “We are delighted to support companies on their safety culture journey, whether that is designing and delivering your own bespoke programme, analysing your results and feeding back to management, or simply helping to keep you on track – we can help”.

If you would like further information on Hearts and Minds toolkit, or CATCH Technical please contact Jill – you can also view a recording of the webinar here.

This webinar was one of the first delivered by CATCH Technical Services,  keep an eye on our website or sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear about our webinar programme.

Special thanks to Rachael Cowin, CATCH technical consultant for creating the fantastic sketch note of the webinar


We are delighted to announce that judging has commenced for the CATCH Awards, sponsored by E3 Recruitment. The Awards will be presented at the CATCH Annual Awards Dinner on the 24th September 2020.

Our final finalists to be announced are for Best Skills Project , this award celebrates those who are actively involved in changing the landscape, not only for themselves but for the industry too. This award celebrates skills at all levels, from involvement with schools, colleges, training providers and universities to continuous development and upskilling staff in the workplace.

Our first finalist is Syngenta, our judges commented: “I like the way that Syngenta have gone out in to the community and educational establishments using their current apprentices acting as ambassadors and advocates of their scheme. They are really engaging with a wide audience and very importantly, they have analysed demographics in their recruitment campaigns to identify and encourage applications from underrepresented groups. They have gone to great lengths to educate and promote apprenticeships which will go a long way to fill skills gaps within industry.”

Our next finalist is Solenis our judges commented: “Solenis, built in 4 days of process safety training per year for everyone on site and are using gold standard service providers in process safety delivery. I was impressed by how everyone gets involved and how process safety training is delivered to all levels in the organisation. 4 days training for every employee on site is a huge commitment to developing the skills and knowledge of the workforce.

Our final finalist is Jacobs Field Services, our judges said, “The approach by Jacobs deserves praise for actively encouraging all employees to complete CPD on conscious inclusion for more than 5000 staff, that’s a brilliant undertaking. Combined with the championing of modern apprenticeships and the desire for the safety officer to understand more about mental health in order to roll out awareness to employees just shows how serious Jacobs are taking awareness and upskilling”

Katie Hedges, Head of Membership Services said “The nominations for this award were very encouraging, all nominated companies are committed to the upskilling of their staff and the future of their business through apprenticeship and graduate programmes, again it was a really tough choice for our judges!   Good luck to our three finalists, and we look forward to presenting the award on the 24th September”.

Keep an eye out for further announcements and if you would like further information regarding the CATCH Annual Dinner, please contact Lisa Buck –



We are delighted to announce that judging has commenced for the CATCH Awards, sponsored by E3 Recruitment. The Awards will be presented at the CATCH Annual Awards Dinner on the 24th September 2020.

Our next finalists to be announced are for the anticipated Young Achiever Award, this award celebrates those who are the future of our industry.

Our first finalist is Tiffany Boal, Electrical Apprentice, Jacobs Field Services. Her site manager speaks extremely highly of her work and her ideas and continued out the box thinking to problem solving and helping fellow peers produce the most cost effective and efficient job for the client and her employer.  Tiffany’s main duties are to work along side experienced & highly qualified Electricians whilst studying her ‘on the job apprenticeship’ training. This is carried out on a Class 1 Nuclear Power Station, Sellafield Cumbria, on top tier projects of installation, maintenance, fault finding, commissioning & decommissioning on a multitude of Electrical systems throughout the site. The high level of work Tiffany has required to work to, helps her improve her ever evolving knowledge and skill base day by day and become a valued member of the team and an asset to the business and client. The judges commented, “Tiffany sounds a tenacious individual, an exceptional team player & out of the box thinker. She has a natural flare for the trade and goes above and beyond in her job”.

Our next finalist is Robbie Hutchinson, Science Manufacturing Technical Apprentice from Nufarm. He has been assisting the Plant Manager in drafting and formalising plant operating procedures which have included housekeeping and weekly safety checks. The Plant Manager fully endorses this nomination and would like to add that Robbie shows a level of emotional intelligence and maturity of someone a lot older in years. He also adds that Robbie never grumbles when asked to do a task and is always very willing to learn. The judges commented, “Robbie is a trailblazer completing NVQ levels 18mths early – pushed himself outside of his comfort zone, working to high standards and assisting other apprentices”.

Our final finalist is William (Billy) Suggit, Operations Technican at Px Limited. Billy Suggit has started his approach, commitment and contributions in his working life as he means to go on – as a leader with a positive, results focussed, can do approach. With a safety award for his positive safety attitude, his recognition as the first person to achieve 100% in level 3 processing mathematics and his support and encouragement to others considering apprenticeships as a career opportunity by supporting careers fairs and open days. PX were very pleased to recruit Billy straight from his apprenticeship into the role of Operations Technician at Saltend. The judges commented, “A leader with a positive approach, exceptional performance, completes work to a high standard. Nominated for a company safety award – a team player”.

Katie Hedges, Head of Membership Services said “This award is always a very difficult one to judge, reading about the up and coming talent in the industry is extremely encouraging, and to see that many spend their time mentoring and coaching the next generation, whilst making such a difference in their own organisation is exemplary.  Good luck to our three finalists, and we look forward to presenting the award on the 24th September”.

Keep an eye out for further announcements and if you would like further information in regard to the CATCH Annual Dinner, please contact Lisa Buck –




CATCH Coaching Collaboration with Windhover Management Coaching

From the very beginning, CATCH has been at the forefront of innovative training and business support solutions. Now, we are pleased to announce that we are working with Clive Rounce, the first General Manager of CATCH, to bring effective management coaching to our members and customers.

Coaching is a process in which the coach works in partnership with the coachee to help them draw on their own self-knowledge, experience and resources, developing their own thinking in order to solve problems, make choices or achieve success in a chosen activity.  It’s a proven way of helping people move further towards their potential.

There are still, however, many misconceptions about coaching, not helped by the term being loosely used in society to mean everything from a private tutor helping a child to prepare for an exam, to an elite sports guru.

It is not about the coach as expert giving guidance or bringing a secret methodology, nor is it a form of counselling. Coaching is different from mentoring where the focus is often on a more experienced person passing on their advice or acting as a career sponsor and champion.

Coaching is about a relationship of equals in a one-to-one conversation. It is about facilitating change and action on the coachee’s agenda and supporting development through questioning, challenge and support.

Perhaps, during these unprecedented times when many of us are working from home and being faced with new challenges and opportunities, it’s a good time to explore the benefits of coaching.

That’s why we are pleased to offer a free coaching taster session, to be delivered remotely by Clive, to the first ten CATCH customers to respond.

If you are interested, please contact to arrange your session.

You can find out more by visiting Clive’s website at

Clive said: “I believe that coaching is a great way to support and enable people to develop and can be especially helpful to leaders and managers in their challenging roles. Having been involved with CATCH from the early days, for nearly the first 8 years, I am very pleased to be working with the current team who have continued to support industry with innovative solutions and services.”

James McIntosh, Director of the CATCH Engineering Training Partnership said: “CATCH was created to assist and facilitate all of the industry skills, competency and training requirements. This doesn’t stop at practical based technical training so I’m delighted that we are able to launch this initiative with Clive’s new venture to further support our members.”


We are delighted to announce that CATCH along with the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership have secured Government funding to start work on a roadmap to support the Humber’s plans to decarbonise the region.

The joint bid for funding from Innovate UK will enable the first phase of work on a detailed decarbonisation delivery plan for the region’s major industrial cluster, which will aim to protect important jobs and industries while reducing carbon emissions.

Rod Stout, Chairman of BMA, who are supporting the project said “Setting firm targets for decarbonisation is a key milestone that has been realised in addressing the Climate change crisis. The next critical step is to develop and test accurate, cost-effective and systemic roadmaps that can ensure that these targets are met. Business Modelling Associates (BMA) are proud and excited to have been selected to support The Humber LEP and CATCH in this collaborative initiative. This builds on BMA’s successful work in the Energy sector, both nationally and locally, and our strategic focus on enabling a better environment for all”.

You can read the full press release below:

Humber’s Decarbonisation Ambitions Boosted after Roadmap Funding Secured
The Humber Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and membership organisation CATCH have secured Government funding to start work on a roadmap to support the Humber’s plans to decarbonise the region, it has been announced today.
The joint bid for funding from Innovate UK will enable the first phase of work on a detailed decarbonisation delivery plan for the region’s major industrial cluster, which will aim to protect important jobs and industries while reducing carbon emissions.
The Humber’s bid was awarded £96,000 to develop a plan for producing the roadmap (phase one), which – if approved – could lead to a multimillion pound bid to develop the roadmap itself in phase two.
Now, the Humber LEP and CATCH are working together to create the Humber Industrial Decarbonisation Roadmap – which would set out plans to decarbonise the region’s major industries through measures such as Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage and hydrogen fuel switching. It will complement wider work on decarbonisation being led by the LEP and partners as the region targets becoming net zero carbon by 2040.
The roadmap project team are working closely with the region’s two deployment projects, which were also announced today as receiving phase one funding:  Humber Industrial Decarbonisation Deployment Project: Humber-DP will identify and develop potential anchor projects to maximise emission reductions in the most appropriate, timeliest, cost effective and efficient manner and develop world leading industrial CO2 transport and storage system  Green Hydrogen for Humber: This project will lead to the production of renewable hydrogen, at the Gigawatt scale, from polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolysis. This will be distributed to a mix of industrial energy users in Immingham.
The deployment projects would deliver early results at the beginning of the roadmap, with further projects to be identified through to 2040.
Home to energy-intensive industries such as steelworks, oil refineries, chemical processing and cement production that are vital to the UK economy, the Humber cluster’s industrial CO2 emissions are the highest in the UK – making the region the country’s biggest decarbonisation opportunity.
The Humber LEP set out the region’s ambition to become net zero carbon in its Humber Clean Growth Local White Paper published at the start of November. It is also at the heart of the Local Industrial Strategy it has developed with Government, which is expected to be published shortly.
The roadmap will point to where public and private investment will need to be targeted over the next two decades to reduce the Humber’s industrial emissions. Importantly, it will also identify opportunities for attracting new businesses to the region to utilise the low carbon infrastructure that will be developed.
This collaborative approach to creating the Humber Industrial Decarbonisation Roadmap will ensure full engagement from businesses and stakeholders and that it will be produced in a transparent and joined-up way. The roadmap will also capture synergies with related work to decarbonise ports, transport, agriculture and homes amongst others, as set out in the Humber Local Industrial Strategy.
Lord Haskins, Chair of the Humber LEP, said: “The climate change crisis will not be addressed without close collaboration between the Government, industry and places across the UK, so we are pleased to be working with partners on a roadmap to enable this in the Humber.
“As the highest emitting industrial cluster in the country, our region has the potential to make the biggest difference in the fight to reduce emissions. As today’s announcement shows, businesses are developing projects that will enable us to do that at pace.
“The roadmap will support us to deliver on our ambition to become a net-zero carbon economy in the future, helping the Humber to secure the long-term sustainability of our strategically important industries and attract more new green jobs and investment.”
David Talbot, CEO of CATCH, said: “We are thrilled to collaborate with the Humber LEP and win this bid to solve the biggest challenge facing our industries over the next few decades.
“We need to ensure not just the competitiveness of our much-needed energy intensive industries, but also their survival – we want to see these vital businesses stay in the Humber and decarbonisation is central to this.
“Funding is essential to ensure we have a plan to break down any barriers in the way of the Humber becoming a net-zero economy by 2040 and we are glad the Government has taken note of how serious the Humber is about tackling this.”
Bryony Livesey, Challenge Director, Industrial Decarbonisation, said: “As the UK goes through trying times we nonetheless must plan for the future. We can announce today the funded projects of the first phases of the Industrial
Decarbonisation Challenge. These projects are the first stride towards the government’s plans to develop cost-effective decarbonisation in Industrial hubs that tackle the emissions challenge that UK industry faces. We look forward to the development of these plans and their contribution to meeting the 2050 net-zero target.”


What is safety culture?

Safety culture is an organisation’s beliefs and attitudes regarding safety, its place and importance in the organisation, and affects how safely people in the organisation behave. It is essentially ‘the way we do things around here’.  Safety culture influences the environment in which people work and in which barriers operate.

World-class health, safety and environment (HSE) performance requires the involvement of everyone in the organisation, from top to bottom, utilising knowledge at all levels, and fully integrating HSE within everyday behaviour.  It involves ‘winning hearts and minds’ to improve the safety culture of the organisation. Winning hearts and minds is about getting everyone to work safely, not because they’ve been told to, but because that is the way they want to work and that is the way they know how to work.  It is about making safety a fully integrated part of working behaviour, and in the process easier to manage.

In this webinar from Catch Technical, we will look at the Hearts and Minds behavioural safety toolkit designed to facilitate cultural change within organisations.  It is intended to help organisations to improve their HSE performance by showing the ‘route to the top’ of the HSE culture ladder and providing the process and tools to get everyone involved and to facilitate behavioural change. The Hearts and Minds toolkit enables you to create a truly proactive and generative approach to HSE management.

Led by Lorraine Braben, we will discuss:

  • What we mean by Safety Culture
  • The Hearts and Minds programme, tools and techniques
  • How Catch Technical can support your Safety Culture development

When: Thursday 30th April at 11am.

To register for this free webinar hosted by CATCH Technical, please email


Lorraine Braben

Lorraine is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF). In addition, she is a Chartered Chemical Engineer and qualified HR practitioner and trainer, with over 30 years’ experience in the process industries; ten of which have been dedicated to applying Human Factors thinking in an Upper Tier COMAH environment. Poor culture and business practices can unwittingly influence behaviour and impact on safe operation of plant and equipment. Lorraine has seen how decisions made with the best of intentions may not always deliver the results expected and how understanding the human element of safety can improve ‘the way we do things around here’.


CATCH Skills are delighted to announce the launch of our new Virtual Classroom. Embracing this technology means we are able to offer a number of our open courses online, such as:

  • Asbestos Awareness
  • Fire Awareness
  • Manual Handling
  • Risk Assessment & Method Statement
  • Safe Systems of Work
  • Slinging and Lifting (theory)
  • Working at Height awareness

These sessions are delivered live by our trainers, using Microsoft Teams or Webex. Delegates are able to access the course handouts and additional content via Moodle plus they will also have access to additional support via our new online forum, where they can get updates on course material and legislation direct from our trainers throughout the year. View our course dates here.


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