Lisa Buck, Author at - Page 18 of 24


We pleased to announce the next CATCH Technical webinar in partnership with ESC Limited takes place on the 10th June at 11am.

“Safety in Numbers – Is target risk really just a number?

The widespread use of quantified risk targets, and risk measures has led to a numbers based approach to the definition of how safe an organisation may be. Whilst the numbers help understand risk, safety encompasses much broader aspects of human-machine-process interactions which must be adequately considered.

This presentation will delve into how numbers are only a part of the safety considerations and how risk must be systematically managed through all life phases of an installation, by using IEC61508/61511 as context on how managing risk is much more than just numbers.”

To book your free place please contact


The University of Hull is asking for bioeconomy employers to take part in research to help shape a graduate talent pipeline for the industry.

University of Hull researcher, Emma Peasland is conducting interviews with bioeconomy employers to find out about graduate roles in your business and your experiences of graduate recruitment. Interviews will also cover the skills and attributes you feel are essential and whether there is a perception of a ‘skills gap’ amongst graduate recruits.

Emma Peasland said: “This research has the potential to create a blueprint for educators to enhance their programmes and create the highly skilled graduates needed by the growing bioeconomy. We’re interested in finding out how you think graduates can develop the necessary skills and attributes to contribute to your organisation. The interviews should only take around 30-60 minutes and give employers the opportunity to feed into this research and really shape future education programmes to get the best graduate recruits for their businesses.”

The research covers bioeconomy businesses based in East or North Yorkshire, North or North-east Lincolnshire or Teesside. If you are interested in participating or would like more information please contact Emma Peasland at

The research is part of the THYME Project – a collaboration between the universities of York, Hull and Teesside, delivered in partnership with the Biorenewables Development Centre (BDC) and BioVale. Funded by the Connecting Capabilities Fund of Research England, the £5 million project is focused on developing the bioeconomy across Yorkshire, the Humber and the Tees Valley, building on the existing knowledge and innovation in the region.


Jill Mooney, Head of CATCH Technical Services, will be presenting as part of #oneHumber online events week – focused on helping businesses to rethink and rebuild as the #Coronavirus lockdown continues to affect trading conditions.

‘Moving your business to the new Normal’ Tuesday 2nd June at 11am.

 A practical overview of the key factors you need to consider in adapting your business to the post COVID-19 future. This will include real life examples of how CATCH, its member companies and wider manufacturing industry have responded to implementing COVID resilience and response during the Pandemic.

To book:

More details of the week here:



Following government guidance we are pleased to let you know that from the 1st of June, we are responsibly reopening our facilities and are therefore able to offer a safe environment for your next meeting, conference or event!   We have spent the last few weeks making sure that our facilities are fully compliant with current guidance in regards to staying safe during the COVID -19 pandemic. We realise that for some companies, travel to external sites may not yet be permitted, therefore we are also able to offer video conferencing technology, at no extra cost, alongside your socially distant, face to face meeting to ensure you can cater for all your guests needs.

View our video, which shows you all the measures we have in place to keep you and your guests as safe as possible –

If you have any questions, please contact Jasmine –


Said Catch Technical Consultant, Rachael Cowin, at ‘Project Stakeholders – Maximising their contribution to benefit projects, the organisation, and individuals” webinar. Rachael explained that projects are the perfect way to develop people that may be in static roles. Over 15 people attended the webinar, which was delivered via a sketch note presentation – you can view those slides here.  The webinar packed in various topics, including who and when colleagues should participate in a project, the review process, work as imagined v’s work completed and how to decide whether or not a project is viable. Rachel also covered industry 4.0 and how companies need to adapt to new ways of working –Rachael advised that mindset is a key factor and as is trusting the new technology.

Jill Mooney, Head of CATCH Technical said “At this webinar we spent a fantastic hour with Rachael, understanding how all the key components of a project work together – Catch Technical is able to help you throughout your project journey, or we can assist in specific areas such as planning or with the review process”.

If you would like further information on Project Stakeholders or CATCH Technical please contact Jill –

This webinar was the second delivered by CATCH Technical Services, the next is  “Safety in numbers – is target risk really just a number?” on the 8th June, delivered by CATCH Technical partner ESC Limited.


We are delighted with the way our plans are coming together for the reopening the CATCH site on the 1st June. Our team have been working exceptionally hard to ensure that all customers, clients, tenants and staff are safe when coming onto our site. Measures include social distancing at all times, with floor markers and tapes to help people adhere to the guidelines, delegate and room hire numbers reduced to help keep people safe, with socially distant layouts plus hand sanitation stations in all areas, a one way system, temperature checks if people feel unwell to a manned reception with protection screens.

On the 1st of June you can be confident that if you are attending a training course, a socially distant network meeting, or wish to hire one of our rooms , CATCH have gone above and beyond to help keep you as safe as possible.

If you have any questions, please contact


I’m writing to let you know of a development with regard to the major highway works, which are now well underway on the A1173 between the CATCH roundabout and the A180 junction. You will remember works were suspended immediately after the COVID-19 restrictions were announced by Government. Since then work has started again on the CATCH roundabout.

Before going into detail, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your understanding for the duration of these works. We appreciate that the programme has caused varying degrees of inconvenience and rest assured, we have done all we can to mitigate this and will continue to do so.

A reminder too, that these works are part of the multi-million-pound SHIIP, (South Humber Industrial Investment Programme), which aims to transform the business fortunes of North East Lincolnshire, creating opportunities and jobs.

The detail:

CATCH roundabout: The first phase of the A1173 works was improvements to the roundabout outside the CATCH facility, mentioned above. This will be completed following a five-night closure for resurfacing. A full diversion route will operate between 7pm and 6am from the night of Monday June 1 to Saturday morning, June 6. Motorists will be asked to follow the diversion signs, which will guide them off the A1173 and through to the A180 at the Brocklesby interchange, via the A160. For those travelling to the CATCH roundabout from Stallingborough Industrial Park there is an additional loop that takes in Kiln Lane, Laporte Road and Queens Road.

In addition to this, we are in the final planning stage to start the next phase of works, which is the construction of a roundabout to allow access to the new Stallingborough Business Park – an initial start date in March was postponed due to the coronavirus restrictions. As soon as we confirm our plans, I will contact you again to ensure you are kept fully informed.

A letter from North East Lincolnshire Council and ENGIE in regards to the planned and ongoing works.


The Humber’s business community has joined forces to create a week of online events to support businesses to strengthen and succeed through the coronavirus crisis.

The ‘oneHumber online events: Rethinking and rebuilding together’ week will see organisations present virtual events for businesses affected by the ongoing lockdown during the week of June 1st- 5th.

The Humber LEP, the four Humber Local Authorities and membership and business support organisations from across the Humber have already joined forces to co-ordinate the local response to the economic impact of the coronavirus by forming the Humber Economic Resilience Group.

Now, the group plans to provide Humber businesses with a week of online events to focus on the path ahead, as well as giving practical steps and advice for businesses of all sizes and sectors.

For many businesses facing the challenges of our current economic crisis, we recognise that as we continue to feel the effects from lockdown, organisations will be looking to find new efficiencies and different ways of working.

This means looking at diversification, resilience, ongoing mental health, employee engagement, financial and HR support, or continued growth into digital communications and e-commerce. Whatever your businesses’ individual challenges, we are in this together as a region.

The events take place on what would originally have been Humber Business Week had the week not been cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak, but is not a replacement event.

Organisations with events planned for the week include Humber LEP, Humber Business Growth Hub, Marketing Humber, E-Factor, University of Hull, Department for International Trade, Edenic Group, FSB, CATCH and many more.

Marketing Humber kick off the week with their online event – People Power: Unlocking the Post-Lockdown Opportunity, taking place Monday June 1 from 9.30am until 11.30am, which will focus on how improved employee engagement could benefit productivity in Humber businesses as they navigate the economic impact of coronavirus.

The Humber LEP will host an interactive panel discussion on how the region’s economic strategy may need to adapt in light of the pandemic, and what actions will be required to support the recovery.

Meanwhile, the Humber Business Growth Hub and #GrowMySME will be holding events across the week, with seminars taking place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, on topics including harnessing digital technology, remote working and managing mental health in the workplace, with a focus on SMEs.

Edenic Group will be holding their event ‘Disruptive Thinking’ on Tuesday June 2 between 1pm and 2.30pm, while the Department for International Trade will be holding their event ‘Trading Internationally – How the Department for International Trade Can Support Your Business’ on Thursday June 4 between 2pm and 3pm.

Other organisations are planning to screen webinars previously hosted, or use the week to promote their online resources and support for businesses.

Stephen Parnaby OBE, Interim Chair of the Humber LEP, said: “This is a tremendously challenging time for businesses across the Humber and together with our partners we want to be as supportive as possible to businesses in our region.

“While traditional events are out of the question for obvious reasons, there is no reason why we can’t support businesses in the virtual world and offer not just support, but practical help finding new pathways and opportunities and ways of helping businesses become as resilient as they can be.

“The coronavirus has made it difficult to be together in person – but we have the technology to provide essential support online and I’m so pleased that the Humber business community is coming together with this support.”

Diana Taylor, MD Marketing Humber, said: “The collaborations between the LEP, local authorities and business membership organisations have been great to see as we came together to support our regional businesses in this time of crisis.

There has been a great enthusiasm to now continue this through delivery of an online week of events. This is an ideal opportunity to deliver critical information, tools, resources, to help our businesses, both global brands and our underpinning SMEs, prepare for the return to work from lockdown. We all acknowledge that for many, this will be a long road ahead.

This is the time to pull together, build community energy and support everyone as we move forward. We are delighted as Marketing Humber to launch this week on June 1st and look forward to a great and varied week to engage and inform.”

Please join in online by booking onto the events that will help arm your business with the information, tools and support you need to rethink the next steps.

If you are a business who would like to advertise an event as part of the oneHumber week, you can also submit the information on our website.

To book your place at any of the events, please see the online brochure at

Staying Safe when on site at CATCH

This video explains the extensive measures we have put in place to help and keep people safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19


Here at CATCH we have continued to support our Member companies, clients, delegates, region and wider stakeholders throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.  We made a decision to close the CATCH site on 23rd March and there has been no activity on site since then apart from essential care and maintenance.  Our activity, like many organisations, has moved online and we have delivered a number of technical Webinars, skills courses and network events throughout the last 7 weeks.  We have also continued our work on the Industrial Decarbonisation agenda, and in particular the Phase 1 activity of the ISCF Cluster Roadmap competition.

The online activity has been a way for us to continue to offer our services, but it does not make up for face to face events and training, especially in the vocational, practical skills space that CATCH is a specialist in.  For this reason, and in line with Government direction, we have decided to reopen our site with effect from 1 June.  Members of the CATCH team will be starting to prepare for reopening by implementing social distancing measures, reception procedures and cleaning and sanitisation regimes ready for 1 June.  The team will also be undertaking delegate journey tests of the procedures to ensure that the systems work, in order to give confidence to delegates attending the site for courses with all of the onsite training providers.

Plans for the next phase once we have reopened include slowly and carefully building up the footfall on site in a measured way to ensure the safety of all delegates and staff.  We also plan to restart our work on site improvements, including the upgrade and expansion of the Process Plant in conjunction with Reynolds Training Services.   Other activity that has continued has included important improvements to our website.  The CATCH Technical Services section of the website now highlights the vast capability of the CATCH Technical consultant base, and the Membership section details our exciting new Membership options.  We have a lot to be excited about through these difficult times and we are keen to get started again to move away from the shadow of the crisis.

From all of us here at CATCH we wish our Member companies, clients, delegates and students all the very best and we look forward to seeing the CATCH site a bustling and dynamic environment once again as soon as we can all safely return to ‘business as usual’.

Stay Safe

David Talbot



We are excited to announce that we have a number of courses ready to be delivered face to face back on site, here at CATCH Skills.

We have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure that we adhere to government guidelines to keep our customers and colleagues safe. Our measures include social distancing at all times, enhanced cleaning of communal areas plus hand sanitisers and face masks available for delegate use.

We have limited availability on the following courses:

26th – 27th May  CCNSG Basic Safety Passport

28th May  CCNSG Safety Passport Renewal

1st – 2nd June  City & Guilds Medium Risk Confined Space

9th – 10th June  CCNSG Basic Safety Passport

16th June  ECITB Mechanical Joint Integrity

17th – 18th June  ECITB Small Bore Tubing

25th June  CCNSG Safety Passport Renewal

For further details or to book please contact Holly –


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