Today we celebrate International Dog Day!

26th August is recognised as International Dog Day and here at CATCH we celebrated by bringing our dogs to work! Plus we held our very first CATCH Dog Show and treated our pets to their very own Pup Cakes!
Dog ownership is a popular past time with members of the team, so we thought that this was the perfect way to get together this summer. The dog show had five categories, cutest puppy, naughtiest pooch, best behaved, most like its owner and waggiest tale – you will have to watch our video to find out which of our four legged friends won the prizes! In the afternoon the dogs chilled in the office or headed home to snooze whilst their owners worked at home. The team enjoyed the day so much that we will be repeating the event next year – with the addition of a couple more puppies who were too young to join in this time!