The 2019 Skills, Competency & Apprenticeship Conference *SOLD OUT*

A practical conference to explore through life development in the chemical & process industries.
Date: 10th October 2019
Time: 9:30 – 15:30
Lunch and refreshments are included
Venue: The University of Bradford
Cost: Free
To book your free place simply complete the form below:
** SOLD OUT** Please complete the form only to be added to the waiting list.
This unique event is led by our employer networks, who will share best practice and case studies with you.
Attend to gain insight into:
Employer schools engagement programme
Higher education programmes for industry
Employee up-skilling for technicians and operators
Apprenticeship programmes available for chemical industry and supply chain
09:30 Registration
10:30 Welcome – David Talbot, CEO CATCH
10:45 Keynote: Employment and Skills Board, Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
11:15 Engaging Young People – NuGeneration Team, Nufarm
11:40 Working with Industry- Alex Burnham, Principal, UTC Leeds
12:00 Apprentice Journey – Ian Nunn, Syngenta
12:30 Lunch, networking
13:30 Industrial relations with the University – Tom Swift, The University of Bradford
13:45 Working with the University of Bradford
14:00 Apprenticeships and upskilling programmes for the Chemical industry – James McIntosh, CATCH Skills
14:30 Q&A panel – All speakers
15:30 Close
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