Write up – Major Hazards Network Group

CATCH held their Major Hazards Network Group on Wednesday 25 April with a blended audience of 35 delegates. The session was opened by new chair Dan Rawdin, Risk and Assurance Manager with SSE Thermal. Dan introduced Toni Needham, Technical Manager – Hydrogen and Electrical Safety at the Energy Institute who outlined the range of hydrogen projects funded by the EI’s hydrogen committee, their overall work plan and strategy. Publications available on hydrogen from the Energy Institute are available at (https://publishing.energyinst.org/topics/hydrogen
The next joint presentation was from Navdeep Kahlon from Progressive Energy and Sean Baker from ERM who presented their work on a comprehensive, high-level review of key UK safety regulations applicable to the hydrogen lifecycle and how this was developed into guidance for industry with supporting case studies. The guidance document is available from the Energy Institute –
The next meeting will be our annual Major Hazards Conference with a focus on Cyber Security on 17 July at CATCH, for more information and to find out about exhibitor opportunities please contact katie.hedges@catchuk.org