Humber host Industrial Decarbonisation R&I visit

CATCH were delighted to welcome Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer from Heriot-Watt University to the Humber region this week to learn more about our plans for decarbonising the largest industrial cluster in the UK and to build links with the project she is leading to establish a new Industrial Decarbonisation Research & Innovation Centre.
Our first stop was Drax to meet Richard Gwilliam and Brian Greensmith for a tour and discussion about BECCS technology and incubation facilities on site. The visit continued with a trip to PX Saltend Chemicals Park, where Patrick Pogue took advantage of the weather and provided a detailed tour of the site and their ambitions for CCU and hydrogen switching.
The next morning CATCH hosted a round table discussion with key industry representatives from British Steel, Equinor, National Grid Ventures and VPI Immingham.
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