EI/CATCH Clean Growth Conference 2019

Date: 25 September 2019
Times: 10.00 − 14.00
Venue: Executive suite CATCH Conference building
In joint partnership between the Energy Institute and CATCH, the Clean Growth Conference will be focusing on clean growth and will cover topics from the low carbon strategy for the Humber branch, to case studies in decarbonisation and a session from the Energy Institute on HSE in the Offshore Wind Sector.
We are delighted to welcome EI and CATCH Members and wider national/regional stakeholders.
The coffee and lunch break provide an excellent opportunity for networking
We hope you will be able to join us.
To register, visit energy-inst.org/EICATCH
Conference agenda:
10:00 Welcome and Introduction – (Dave Talbot, CEO CATCH and Chair of the Humber Branch of the EI)
10:10 Humber Local Industrial Strategy (Richard Kendall, Humber LEP)
10:40 Humber Clean Growth strategy (TBC)
11:10 Coffee and networking
11:30 Good for the planet, good for profit (Adrian Howe Chartwell Consulting)
12:00 Nordic Heat – the Smart City Alliance (Peter Anderberg/Mark Woodward, Nordic Heat – Smart City Alliance)
12:30 HSE and Offshore Wind (Beate Hildenbrand, Energy Institute)
13:00 Questions
13:15 Lunch and networking
For more information please visit the EI webiste at energy-inst.org/EICATCH or contact
Jasmine Greenhalgh at Jasmine.Greenhalgh@catchuk.org