CATCH Technical Webinar – RBI Lessons Learned and Working with COVID19
Wednesday 14th October at 11am
This presentation will be split into two parts and cover two different but connected issues.
The first part of the presentation will cover some of the lessons that we have learned as Asset Optimization Consultants during our twenty years of implementing Risk Based Inspection Projects. It will cover some of the more common mistakes that can be made during an Implementation Project. In particular we will look at how our own methods and approach has been adapted to ensure that these mistakes are not perpetuated. We will examine in more detail our approach to training during a Project and how to choose the best Process Unit for the implementation of an RBI Pilot Project.
The COVID19 pandemic has changed how companies around the world operate and our business has been equally affected. The second part of the presentation will detail some of the learnings that we have made during the COVID19 pandemic. We expect this approach to continue well into the future and companies will need to embrace the software that is on offer and continue to adapt to work remotely. During this period, we have continued to support companies implement Risk Based Inspection projects and we continued to train personnel. We have learned some valuable practical lessons during the period which we would like to share with the audience.
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