An update from the ConCom Team


On the behalf of the Concom Team, we would like to inform you of the situation regarding the audits, forums, committee meetings, and Prequals/Prevals in light of the present environment.

We have found it very challenging to arrange audits and Client Auditor support in recent weeks, so following discussions with the Concom Steering Committee and CATCH leadership, the following has been agreed: –


  • Along with others at CATCH, the Concom Team will be working from home
  • Office-based Concom Audits will be temporarily suspended forthwith
  • Pre-prepared Concom Audit Forms will be emailed to our contractor members who are due an audit and asked to complete & return them with examples of the requisite information.  An agreed date will be set for the return of the audit, followed by date when the contractor’s contact could be available for any clarifications, etc.
  • The Concom Audit Form will be revised to give extra guidance on what we need to witness on the behalf of our clients

Concom Forums & Steering Committee Meetings

  • These are suspended temporarily and notification of their re-starts will be reviewed ongoing.  Contact will continue electronically between the Concom Team and Committee

Prequals & Prevals

  • These will continue as normal as they are usually undertaken remotely anyway.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us by email.

Many thanks in anticipation of your understanding.  We hope you all keep well and look forward to seeing you again once the present situation is over.

Lisa Buck


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