Snapshot of energy intensive industry in the Energy Estuary

The Humber hosts a number of energy intensive industries, including: petrochemicals, refineries and alternative fuels production; chemical manufacture and storage; steel making; cement and lime manufacture; glass manufacture; food processing and manufacture; and onshore and offshore gas production and storage.

Although industries are spread across the estuary many businesses are located close to the ports of Hull, Grimsby and Immingham. The figure below shows the interview respondents for this study, which comprise the majority (but not all) of the largest energy users in the region.

The Humber’s ports complex is, with 77m tonnes cargo in 2016 (16% total UK cargo), the UK’s largest for both import of raw materials and components and export of UK manufactured products. It offers excellent access to Europe; with ~30m tonnes annual trade it is the UKs largest port complex trading with the EU.

The region forms one of four major chemicals producing regions in the UK. There are two major chemicals clusters: the Saltend Chemicals Park, and a cluster spread along the South Humber Bank between Immingham and Grimsby, which includes two of the UK’s four oil refineries. Manufacture of renewable fuels and infrastructure represents another key industry in the Humber, notably offshore wind turbine manufacture and servicing, and large UK players in the biofuels industry. Further energy intensive industry in the region includes one of the two UK integrated steel works, a cement works, a lime works and a float glass plant at Goole.

In addition, The Humber is believed to have the largest concentration of food manufacturing research, storage and distribution facilities in Europe, contributing over £1bn to the UK economy. Grimsby is referred to as ‘Europe’s Food Town’, with around 500 food related businesses and a full supply chain of food sector services. Large food manufacturers, are also concentrated around Hull, in addition to major pharmaceutical and personal care product manufacturers.

A summary of the Study can be downloaded here Humber EII Cluster Study – Summary

Katie Hedges


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