Highway works – A1173 between the CATCH roundabout and the A180 junction


I’m writing to let you know of a development with regard to the major highway works, which are now well underway on the A1173 between the CATCH roundabout and the A180 junction. You will remember works were suspended immediately after the COVID-19 restrictions were announced by Government. Since then work has started again on the CATCH roundabout.

Before going into detail, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your understanding for the duration of these works. We appreciate that the programme has caused varying degrees of inconvenience and rest assured, we have done all we can to mitigate this and will continue to do so.

A reminder too, that these works are part of the multi-million-pound SHIIP, (South Humber Industrial Investment Programme), which aims to transform the business fortunes of North East Lincolnshire, creating opportunities and jobs.

The detail:

CATCH roundabout: The first phase of the A1173 works was improvements to the roundabout outside the CATCH facility, mentioned above. This will be completed following a five-night closure for resurfacing. A full diversion route will operate between 7pm and 6am from the night of Monday June 1 to Saturday morning, June 6. Motorists will be asked to follow the diversion signs, which will guide them off the A1173 and through to the A180 at the Brocklesby interchange, via the A160. For those travelling to the CATCH roundabout from Stallingborough Industrial Park there is an additional loop that takes in Kiln Lane, Laporte Road and Queens Road.

In addition to this, we are in the final planning stage to start the next phase of works, which is the construction of a roundabout to allow access to the new Stallingborough Business Park – an initial start date in March was postponed due to the coronavirus restrictions. As soon as we confirm our plans, I will contact you again to ensure you are kept fully informed.

A letter from North East Lincolnshire Council and ENGIE in regards to the planned and ongoing works.

Lisa Buck


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