Decarbonisation of Industrial Clusters – Roadmap Project

CATCH is seeking consultancy support to help us deliver our Phase 1 ISCF decarbonisation of industrial clusters: roadmaps project in partnership with the Humber LEP. The consultant will take us from our conceptual position through to a firmly defined proposal for the Phase 2 ISCF roadmap project (the delivery of the roadmap itself). The consultant will deliver their findings in a final report from which our Phase 2 application to deliver the roadmap will be assembled.
The objectives for this project will be to agree with CATCH and partners on the best path forward to delivering the Phase 2 roadmap, to provide a detailed methodology, and to define the data and datasets that will be needed in Phase 2. A separate project being commissioned by the Humber LEP will identify the sources and availabilities of these data.
Request Issue Date – 17 January 2020
Request for Quotation Submission Date – 3 February 12:00 hours
To receive a copy of the full Request for Quotation document please email
We welcome collaborative approaches in your response and any replies we issue to questions will be posted back to all interested parties.