Aims and Objectives
To introduce the concept of BowTie Analysis and how human factors are addressed in the methodology.
An interactive workshop on the concept of BowTie to help manage process safety. The morning session will introduce the bowtie analysis method, covering the good practice in the use the method, along with a group exercise. The afternoon session will take a specific incident as a case study and how bowtie can help focus on human factors issues in an organisation.
• Elements of a BowTie chart
• Good practice in developing the chart
• Case Study/exercise on identifying barriers
• How Human Factors fit into the BowTie
• Case Study /exercise on incorporating Human Factors
• Industry guidance
• Regulator expectations for COMAH sites
Duration/ Dates
This one day course takes place on the 13th November 2019 and registration is open to CATCH members only.
For further information please call 01469 552828