120 Chemical Engineering students learn practical hands on skills to enhance career prospects

On Monday 14th March CATCH Skills, hosted 120 University of Leeds Chemical Engineering students for 4 days to take part in the ‘CATCH Experience’ programme. The students, who were in their 2nd year of their degree programme, benefited from invaluable practical hands on experience, which demonstrated how their skills would be used in the workplace in a few years time. The training included familiarisation with the process plant, simulator, control room within the National Centre for Process Manufacturing (NCPM) and the CATCH Skills mechanical workshop.
Practical “real world” experience in a degree programme is very difficult to achieve yet is valued as extremely important by employers. The CATCH Experience Programme allows students to apply and transfer their Chemical Engineering theoretical studies into practical scenarios, within a safe and controlled environment.
Students who attended the programme said “it gave us a better understanding of the equipment used in Chemical Engineering processes”
They continued, “everything fits the degree perfectly” when asked how it related to their degree. Another student said “The Simulator really helped to visualise some of our modules and how they are used in real world applications”
James McIntosh, Chief Operating Officer added: “The University of Leeds project really showcases the variety that the National Centre for Process & Manufacturing has to offer. With the students being able to get involved with a wide range of mechanical and operations tasks to enhance their degree programme that isn’t available anywhere else. We hope this experience enables them to get an insight into how industry operates and how to apply their academic studies in a practical environment.”
CATCH Skills approach to industry training is unique. Their world class facilities host partnerships with multiple training providers including further education colleges and private organisations who are recognised as leaders in their field. Working closely with companies to generate programmes that offers solutions and cater for their training needs.
Based in Stallingborough, CATCH is an industry led partnership supporting the process, energy, engineering and renewable industries in Yorkshire and Humber. Catering for adult and student learning. If you would like to find out more details, please call 01469 552828 or email info@catchuk.org.